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"I was busy shooting Lachlan," Damian revealed, all of our jaws dropping at his words.

"You what?" We all said simultaneously.

"Dante called me and asked for help since I was the closest to Central Park. I got on the nearest rooftop with one of my sniper rifles," he explains as we all take a breath.

"Did you see where Lachlan and Leon got off to?" Killian asked as Damian shook his head.

"The trees were blocking my view. I tried to do what I could to take down his men. I probably dropped at least twenty bodies," Damian clarified and then turned to me.

His eyes were soft and he pressed his lips together and breathed out of his nose slowly.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save Adam," Damian says softly to me. "I couldn't get a clear shot on Lachlan without hitting Adam but when Lachlan shot him, I had to take my shot."

"It's okay Damian. I wish he wasn't a part of this," I sighed, my eyes becoming watery.

"Hey," Damian cooed as he took a step toward me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

I looked up at him and a few tears escaped my eyes.

"I've got someone that is recovering his body. He should get a proper funeral," Damian stated as I nodded my head.

I looked over to everyone and they were all slouched.

Vincent had gotten Reese a rag to wipe his bloody face and an ice pack too.

Killian was glaring at Xander who struggled to find bandages on the floor from the supply shelf he had pushed Reese into minutes before.

My eyes stay on Xander and my tears stop rolling.

"Tell us who he is," I spat as everyone looked my way.

"What are you talking about Rebecca?" Vincent asks as my eyes stay on Xander.

"Look at me Xander," I huffed as he slowly lifted his head and locked eyes with me. "I want to know who Lachlan was talking about. Who is the man that is infiltrating the gang," I retorted as Xander stood up, suddenly all eyes were back on him.

"What's she talking about Xander?" Reese questioned, his jaw tensing.

Xander runs a hand through his disheveled blonde hair once, looks down, up at the ceiling, and then his green eyes find my blue one before he continues.

"I don't know," he shrugs and breathes out heavily.

"Bullshit. Lachlan said you knew," I spat as he scrunched his nose.

"He was trying to put words in your head. I have no idea who he is," Xander explained as he sat at a nearby chair and pressed a white cloth against his lip.

"But clearly somebody infiltrated the gang," Killian deduced, a dark air changing the mood of the room.

"Any theories Vincent?" Reese asked as Vincent furrowed his brows and shook his head.

"There's not a great deal of people Dante trusts. I can only think of a handful of people who had access to all the files; paper and electronic," he explained and grunted, frustrated that he didn't know who it was.

"Could it have been a hacker?" Killian inquired as Vincent shakes his head.

"All the files that we had could only be accessed from one computer. Dante made sure of that when he built his new home."

"What about Tyson? He was gone for a year," Reese pressed.

"Tyson has been feeding us information about The Lions the entire year anonymously. He was considered deceased at the time so we never gave him access to anything," Vincent finished as we all let out an audible sigh. "I'm gonna get a list together, find out who had access to the files," Vincent revealed and pulled out his phone.

"Go if you need to. We'll be fine here," Reese prompted as Vincent nodded and jogged out of the corridor.

"We can't let this get out," Xander started as he rubbed his beard and beckoned us to get closer. "As far as anyone knows for now, there is no rat. Be on lookout for anything out of the ordinary—we can only trust each other."

"Xander's right," Reese hesitantly agreed. "We need to be tactical about this. If the rat hears we're still looking for him, he could make a move."

We all fell silent as two doctors walked by us and into a room close by.

"What do we do?" I join in as Damian's phone rings.

"Hello—are you serious? I can't just—listen to me..." Damian yells into the phone. "Give me thirty minutes," he says into the phone before shoving it into his pocket. "I, I gotta go," he stutters, unsure if he should leave or not.

"Go—we'll find out what's going on," Killian says as Damian shakes his brother's hand goodbye before he jogs out of the warehouse.

Suddenly, three doctors come down the hallway and take off their masks and gloves.

"What's going on?" I ask them as they stop.

"Dante is awake," the female doctor said.

"I want to see him," I half demanded as the doctors looked at each other.

"I'll go with you," Xander stood up and rushed to my side.

I looked back at Killian and Reese and they nodded.

"Find out who shot him," Reese said as I nodded.

"He is very disoriented, only one person is allowed in at a time," the female doctor advised as she moved to the side. "Down the hall and second door on the left," she directed.

Xander led the way as I followed closely behind. We made sure the conversations we had were quiet and short, not letting anyone hear us.

"I'll wait outside the room and make sure no one gets in," Xander spoke quickly and quietly, stationing himself outside the door as I walked in.

I enter the dark room to see my father sitting up, wide eyed, on a small bed.

"Rebecca," he starts but he grabs his side and cringes.

"Hey don't try to move," I instruct.

"Rebecca, you have to listen to me," he initiates frantically, ignoring my requests and looks around the room vigorously.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, suddenly feeling uneasy.

"Who's at the door?" He asks as his eyes fixate there.

"Just Xander. Dad you're scaring me," I say as I walk closer to him.

"Xander—he's out of control Rebecca," he says frantically.

"What do you mean? Out of control? He just helped us," I explained as my stomach started to churn even further with unease.

"Xander is the one who fucking shot me. He told me to come tonight not to rescue you, but so he could kill me. He's not on our side," he finishes as my jaw drops.

I hear the door creak open from behind me and cringe when it slams and locks.

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