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I pushed Rebecca off the side of the building, but she would thank me for that later.

"Jump guys, I'm right behind you," I told Reese and Morgan, who followed my orders.

I cocked my gun and ran back in, shooting enemies as they came.

I saw Dimitri slithering out a back exit and I ran after him.

I was stopped by a sudden blow to my face, knocking me to the floor.

My collar was grabbed and I was slammed against a wall.

"Fuck!" I cursed as the masked man slammed my head against the wall once more.

I aimed my gun at his leg and shot, knocking the man down, and breaking his grasp from my neck.

"Dimitri!" I yelled, running after him as I saw him trying to seal the pathway behind him.

He saw me and smiled slyly, but I caught the door before he could shut it all the way.

He ran as I opened the door.

I rounded a corner and he was standing there, pointing a gun at me, like I was at him.

"Are you or are you not a fucking rat!" I shouted, not breaking my aim for him.

"The leader's boy is leading this attack! He's been tipped off and I'll be damned if I'm going to die at the hands of a child," he explained.

"You coward! How dare you tell your gangsters to be loyal to you when you won't share the same loyalty to them!" I called out his hypocrisy.

"The only person you can trust is yourself, Killian. You have to learn that for times like these. That's why this gang follows me and not you," Dimitri spat as I growled.

"Letting your people die isn't being a gang leader. You're a traitor," I growled back.

"No. I'm doing what is necessary to survive. Giving The Lions intel on Dante is only a mere part of that. If this girl hadn't clouded your judgment, you'd see that the reason they're here is because they want her," he spat.

"Don't talk about her!"

"You're a fool Killian. You don't have the means to do what is necessary anymore because of that damn girl!" He spat. "You were once worthy of becoming Bratva, but instead you wasted your talents by becoming a douchebag playboy in Manhattan. Tell me Killian, are you willing to give her to Lachlan and end this war?"

"Not a chance," I spat and took a shot at Dimitri.

I missed by a few inches and he shot back at me. I dodged it and rounded the corner, while he did the same down the hall.

We threw shots at each other, merely missing by inches.

Then there was a shake from above, causing a loud crash and cement blocks from above to crash in between Dimitri and I.

I couldn't get through even if I wanted to.

"You're going to lose this war Killian," Dimitri called from the other side of the barricade.

"Dammit," I cursed before I ran back out into the dining hall to see what had happened.

The Lions had rigged the building with explosives and the place was coming down.

I jumped over cement blocks and dodged the raging fire as best as I could, while trying to get as many people out of the building.

"It's been a while Killian," I heard a familiar voice echo through the ballroom.

I turned around to see none other than the leader's son standing a few feet from me.

I could hardly see his features through the flames raging in the building, but I could see his blonde hair.

"I hear you're leading this attack, thanks to Dimitri," I called as he smiled widely.

"Damn right I am," he boasted as he held his gun up to me. "Although Dimitri didn't give us the information. You gave us the layout for tonight. Thanks to you, my men got here a few days before and rigged the building."

"What do you mean thanks to me?"

"Seriously? Damn either you were completely black out drunk, or I played an excellent Xander," he laughed as my face fell.

The pieces came together then.

Xander was acting strange the night I was drunk because it was Xander at all.

"Where's the girl?" He taunted as my jaw tightened.

"Go to hell!" I yelled.

"Dante and my father have some unfinished business, Rebecca just happens to be part of that business. He doesn't like that you two are engaged, and we aren't going to be compliant anymore. We're going to take her by force," he threatened.

"You're going to have to go through me to get her, you son of a bitch!" I cursed as I shot a bullet.

He dodged it and ducked behind a table while I ducked behind a large block of cement.

We kept shooting at each other. Bullets were merely missing either of us as the fire raged on and the building was collapsing above us.

I looked up and saw the chandeliers. They each had explosives on them.

I moved my gun to aim at them and shot, leaving an explosion that left them crashing to the floor and trapping him in the dining hall.

I shot one more bullet at a wall that had an explosive and it came down, creating an opening for me to jump out of.

Merely seconds after I jumped from the building, the entire floor exploded.

My back hit the cold pavement and pain shot through my entire body.

"Shit," I cursed as I rolled over and propped myself up on my knees.

I held my side and stood up.

The building was coming down and there was no chance that the leader's son would get out of there alive.

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