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One hour left until we need to meet with Haywood, and Reese isn't back with Xander yet.

Damian hasn't answered any of my calls in the last two days either—he's either pissed at me for yelling at him during our last conversation or drunk off his ass with Sam.

Probably both.

I was on my way to the hotel when I got a call from Reese.

"Please tell me you're on your way to the hotel," I said as Reese laughed.

"Fifteen minutes out, and I've got Xander," he reassured as I sighed.

"We're so close to getting her back, I just know it," I smiled and bit my lip.

"We will get her back. I'll see you Killian," he said before he hung up.

I drove as quickly as I could and parked in front of a hotel that stood more than forty stories.

"And I thought my hotels were the shit," I exclaimed as I walked in and saw the red and gold interior.

There was a long red carpet that was rolled out from the entrance all the way up two sets of stairs which met in the middle at a small bar for guests to sit at.

A crystal chandelier hung from the center of the lobby, catching the light and reflecting it onto the gold ceiling.

"Evening sir," an older man greeted from the lobby desk.

"Evening," I greeted.

"Do you have a reservation?" He asked as I walked up to the desk.

"Yes, reservation for three," I stated flatly to see if Haywood included him in the operation.

"Name?" He asked calmly as he took out his catalog.

"Killian Black," I said as he nodded.

"Take a seat, I will let Mr. Haywood know you have arrived," he said as he took the phone from the wall and started dialing.

So he is included, and I'm guessing Haywood is his employer.

I sat in a chair in the lobby and not a minute later, Reese and Xander came bursting in.

"Took you guys long enough," I exclaimed as Reese rolled his eyes.

"This one had me on a goose chase down in Miami," he stated as he nudged Xander's shoulder.

"I'm here now aren't I?" Xander stated sarcastically. "Now where is this son of a bitch," Xander exclaimed as he cracked his neck.

"No need to get loud," Haywood spoke from the opening elevator across the room. "You might say something you'll regret later," he playfully spoke as he walked over to us.

He wore black sweats and a green hoodie, with a pair of headphones hanging around his neck, and his brunette hair was tucked back with a black bandana.

"This is Haywood?" Xander stated with a bit of astonishment.

"What were you expecting?" Haywood questioned softly as he tilted his head to the side.

"Well from the weight your name holds, I expected someone that's—well, not a frat boy," Xander scoffed as Haywood smiled slightly.

"Someone control his mouth before I do," Haywood lightly threatened. "Follow me boys," he cocked his head for us to follow him.

We all followed him into the elevator where Haywood punched in a few numbers and then we descended down.

When the doors opened, we were greeted by a high tech underground bunker.

It was glorious. He had walls of weapons and suits and standing in the center were high tech computers.

"I take it back, this is exactly what I was expecting," Xander stated as Haywood rolled his eyes and sat down.

"I've got a plan to get Rebecca out of Lachlan's facility, but I'll be needing all of your help," he stated as he pulled up the floor plan on his computer screen.

"Name it, we'll do anything," I stated.

"I will be entering his facility with a lot of explosives, so if there's a lot of men there, they can radio to Lachlan that they are under attack and I won't be able to get Rebecca out. So, I'll need the place to be clear of as many men as possible," he explained.

"And that's where we come in," Reese presumed as Haywood nodded.

"A good distraction never hurts, and that's you guys. I need you to get Lachlan and as many men as possible out of this place long enough for me to get in, shoot the place to hell, grab Rebecca, and then drop some explosives in to destroy the place," he said as he looked at us.

"So, how are we going to do the distracting?" Xander asked as Haywood rolled his eyes.

"I don't care, I've got my part covered. Just get him away long enough for me to extract her," Haywood stated, annoyed as Reese sighed.

"What?" I asked him.

"I've got something, but you guys might not like it," he said with regret already laced in his voice.

"Well spit it out," Xander said.

"We give Lachlan what he wants," Reese says as Xander already shakes his head.

"Are you crazy? Give him, me? No way in hell am I giving myself up," he shouted.

"No, it could work as long as we play our cards right," Haywood agreed. "I could get a message to him from Xander saying that he's willing to meet with Lachlan. If you meet somewhere public and stall him long enough, I can get Rebecca out."

"Will Lachlan take his men from his facility to meet Xander?" I asked curiously as Haywood nodded.

"Lachlan is a smart man, but he's cocky and impulsive. He's going to surround himself with his people to protect him and so he can take Xander," he explained as Xander started pacing around the bunker.

"What about Central Park," I said as Haywood did some calculations.

"It's about an hour from his facility and if you guys can get him there, I'll have more than enough time to get her out," he said as Xander ran his hands through his hair.

"No, I can't do that," Xander stated as he continued to pace.

"You're just the bait Xander," Haywood stated as Xander stopped.

"How am I going to get out of that situation? I meet with him and his army of men so you can get Rebecca, but what is going to stop him from actually taking me?" Xander exclaimed with fear laced in his voice. "I'm certainly not asking Dante for any help," he scoffed and scrunched his nose.

"I can gather a team of men to extract you. He's not going to take you," Haywood assures.

"You're positive I won't go with him?" Xander asked as Haywood nodded to reassure him. "Alright, I'm in. Tell the bastard to meet me tomorrow night in Central Park. I will be unarmed and ready to give myself up."

Haywood types the message and reads it to us.

"Are you sure about this Xander?" He asked, unsure of Xander's response.

"Not at all, but just send it," he said as Haywood did exactly that.

"And now, now we wait," Haywood said as we all took a seat. "Actually, hang on a second," Haywood spoke a bit taken back as he messed with his computers. "I'll be damned," he trailed out.

"What is it?" Reese asked, a bit worried as Haywood leaned back into his chair.

"We've got a response," he stated as we all looked at the screen.

"Looking forward to a family reunion son," Xander spat as he started to read the response aloud.

"I'll see you tomorrow at midnight," Reese continued.

"Sincerely," I spoke softly.

"Lachlan Lion," we all said together.

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