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My eyes flutter open and I sit up too fast from a seat that is too small to sleep on.

I grab the sides of the seat and steady myself, regaining consciousness and awareness of my surroundings.

The view from my tiny window shows darkness, but the plane roars, descending closer and closer to the ground.

As the plane comes in contact with the ground, I jump from my seat and catch myself from falling.

"Killian, you're a dead man!" I scream and make my way through the aisle looking for him.

"The silence was good while it lasted," he groaned from a few seats away from where I was.

"Bro, you are so fucked," Morgan chimes in as I stand in the aisle, death staring the both of them.

Killian and Morgan were sitting across from each other chatting, or they were chatting, and Reese is on the other end of the plane with headphones in and sleeping under a thick blanket.

"Don't think you're in the clear Morgan," I scold. "You sedated me! The entire flight to Russia!" I holler at both of them.

"Not the blame where it truly belongs Bex," Morgan defends as he throws his arms up.

"Way to throw me under the bus," Killian groans.

"But you let it happen," I antagonized.

"This is exactly why I did it," Killian intervenes and then stands to face me. "You give me a headache whenever I am within a one hundred mile radius of you, and I needed to sleep during the flight. Cut a guy some slack," Killian tried to reason as he shrugs his shoulders and rubs his temples.

"Cut a guy some slack? How about I cut your dick off instead," I fume.

"Welcome to hell, population: Killian," he groans as the plane doors open. "Time to go," he utters before rushing off the plane.

"What's his deal?" Reese questions with a yawn and then takes off his headphones.

"Rebecca is his deal," Morgan snickers before I hit his arm. "Ow. Relax. I was joking," he defends as he rubs his arm.


"I gotta piss. Let's get off this plane," Reese initiated as we all follow him to a dark and cold, snowy tundra.

There was snow everywhere on the ground, shimmering in the moonlight like a thousand diamonds.

Apparently Killian couldn't wait for us. He took a separate car, so Reese, Morgan, and I squeezed into a car that took us to Killian's grandparent's home.

It was maybe a ten minute drive, but by the time we arrived, Killian was waiting patiently by the door for us.

The home looked cozy and cabin-like, but all the windows and snow made it look high-class and proper.

The stone walkway was frozen over and glistened with every light that touched it.

I nearly tripped on the ice, but somehow Killian was there to catch me from falling.

"You're so clumsy," he scoffs, breaking my trance from the scenery.

"And you're a dick," I spat as he led me around the ice and to the front doors.

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