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Killian came back with a hot chocolate and handed me the white mug before climbing into the bed.

"Is there any news on Damian?" I asked before I took a sip.

"The bullet's out and he's resting. He'll have a little scar, but he's going to be just fine," Killian reassured as I drank my hot chocolate.

"What about the attack tonight? Any news?" I asked as Killian sighed. "Is it bad?"

"Your dad knows who The Lions are and hasn't shared any information about taking them out, but you knew about that already didn't you?" He presumed as I nodded.

"I got a call from an unknown caller and it was the leader," I told him as I showed him the texts I had received. "He's been texting me too."

Killian's thumb scrolled through the texts and sighed when he saw the last one.

"You weren't going to meet him right?" He asked hesitantly.

"As much as I want to know the reasons behind everything, I wouldn't have met him. I don't know what I'd be walking into if I met with him," I added as I finished the hot chocolate and set the mug on the nightstand beside me. "Besides, my dad has all the answers, so we just have to get them out of him."

A few loud bangs came from outside and I jumped in the bed, causing Killian to grab me.

"That's just Gregori Romano coming to collect his son," he chuckled lightly as I calmed down.

"Are there any other mob bosses I should know about? They seem to keep popping up left and right," I pointed out as Killian chuckled.

"Well, there is Santiago Castellanos. He's the leader of the Mexican Cartel. We haven't had a run in with him, and they have their own rivals but we stay out of that business. Mario Cortez basically owns Miami, uh, the Bratva, very real and very dangerous. There's also a bunch of gangs and assassin organizations in China, Sicily, and Atlanta. And then there's Haywood. He's young, and a man of few words, but he can either be your friend or foe in a matter of seconds."

"Haywood? Is he in a gang?" I asked curiously.

"No, he refuses to, 'be anyone's bitch,' as he calls it. He likes to work on his own terms and not be monitored by a gang constantly," he explains.

"He sounds like Xander," I laugh and sigh. "I know it's only been a short time, but I really do miss my brother," I told Killian.

"He'll come home soon. I know it," he told me and offered a weak smile.

"I hope you're right. I hope he's not hurt or in need of our help out there," I thought aloud. "No, he's probably sitting on the beach with a beer in his right hand and a girl under each arm," I laughed as Killian chuckled with me.

"That's most likely where he is," he agreed as he snuggled under the bedsheets and reached for the lamp.

"Are you sleeping here?" I asked curiously as he turned off the lamp.

"Does it look like I am?" He asked sarcastically as he turned on his side.

"I guess you are," I softly spoke as I snuggled under the covers as well.

I turned to face Killian's back, and I felt his breathing gently shake the bed.

"I can feel your eyes burning holes in my back, go to sleep," he mumbled.

"What about tomorrow?" I asked as he turned over to face me.

He looked at me in the darkness and I could see his eyes growing cloudier and groggy.

RivalsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora