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I went into Rebecca's room while Dante was making arrangements.

Rebecca lay in a hospital bed, an IV bag attached to her arm by cords and needles and other devices were attached to her that took her vitals.

The only noise in the room was her steady heartbeat on the machine.

I hadn't even realized I stopped breathing when I walked in until my breath hitched.

She looked so peaceful, her features soft, unguarded.

I walked over to her bedside and gently caressed her cheek with my hand. Even unconscious, her cheeks reddened slightly at my touch, causing me to smile.

"Alright, we're taking her," Dante exclaimed as he burst into the room. "Help me take these things off her," he instructed as he started pulling all the cords from Rebecca's arms.

"What's going on?" I asked hesitantly, but I helped remove some of the needles as he told me to.

"Doctors are asking too many questions and don't want her to leave until they get a statement from her. I don't have influence here over the police, so we gotta go now," he revealed and then checked his watch. "Our car is ready. Carry her and follow me," he commanded as he peaked out the room.

I gently lifted Rebecca into my arms and cradled her head while Dante made sure the hallways were clear.

"Follow me," he instructed as he led me down hallway after hallway and into an elevator. "We're going to the ground level so we can have more cover. I've already got someone working on destroying camera footage and any evidence that we were here. That includes the blood samples they took from Rebecca," he continued as the elevator went down.

I stared at the floor numbers on the top of the door as they slowly descended toward the ground floor.

Rebecca was still wearing her dress from the club. It wreaked slightly of alcohol and looked uncomfortable to be wearing still.

Her feet were bare. Somewhere in the catastrophic event, she lost her shoes. I'm sure Dante will recover them if they are anywhere here or at my club.

The elevator doors opened then and Dante hesitantly got out first, edging me to follow him.

"Right here," he called as he opened the back door.

I slid Rebecca in and slid into the seat next to her, laying her down so her head rested on my lap.

Dante jumped in the front passenger seat and then the driver blasted the accelerator pedal and as soon as we arrived, we had left.

"Take this left," Dante pointed as the driver did as he instructed. "We're taking the major highways just to get out of here but we're going to take the backroads to get back to New York," he explained as I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes.

I felt my hand absentmindedly twirling Rebecca's hair. The doctors had taken the clips out, letting her short locks fall over her shoulders.

I missed her long hair, but the short seemed to suit her better.

I looked up then to see Dante looking at me through the car mirrors.

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