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I took everything in from the beautiful atmosphere to his attire. He wore an all black suit with a deep red tie to match his handkerchief.

His jet black hair was a bit messy, but also tousled into perfection. It was shiny, and swept up off his forehead. Any traces of him having a beard were shaved away and it left a perfect bone structure visible.

His eyes were so brilliantly blue, they were almost silver. They held an intense gaze that was captivating; hypnotic even. One look and they would make any girl melt, and dare I say, I might be one of them.

He was undeniably the most beautiful man I had ever seen, but there was a dangerous aura about him that made my stomach churn in a way that I almost seemed to like.

I must have stared at him for a while because he started to smile a crooked smile that left me dumbfounded. The smile had reached his smoldering eyes, which left them sparkling like ice, now possessing the ability to take my breath away.

It was ridiculous that I felt weak with just one look at him.

Maybe that's why I couldn't recognize him at first. That smile—he had not gunned it out the first time I saw him.

After registering my dazed idiocy, I utter, "this is bullshit," under my breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that," he thickly responded as he cocked his head to the side and furrowed his brows slightly.

"Um—the pleasure is all mine," I added a curtsy after and he seemed delighted with my actions, causing him to emit an invigorating laugh.

"Please, where are my manners? My name is Killian Black, but you may call me Killian," he introduces.

Despite him being Russian, he only had a slightly twang to a few of his words. A majority of his accent seemed to come from New York.

"I kn—" I start but stop myself.

He glanced up at me through his dark lashes, gunning his smoldering eyes at me once again.

"You must have been expecting more people, but unfortunately it will be only us tonight. Shall we sit? Despite the inconvenience with the others, we still have much to discuss this evening," he insists as he holds out his arm for me to take.

My voice had gotten caught in my throat, so I nodded my head and took his arm as we walked to our table in the very center of the gorgeous restaurant.

Killian pulled the seat out for me to sit, and then pushed my seat in after I sat.

He unbuttoned the two buttons on his jacket as he glided to his seat, then beckoned the waiter as he sat.

Then I began to realize something.

My father never intended for Xander or Reese to come here tonight. It was always me because this is where I officially meet my betrothed.

Just then, a waiter comes to our table and asks us what we would want to order, in full fluent Italian.

I wait a moment for Killian to ask me what the hell he just said, but instead, he orders a very expensive, fancy meal and an expensive bottle of wine, all in full fluent Italian.

I never would have guessed that Killian spoke Italian. I guess there go my sassy remarks in a different language because now they wouldn't be as funny.

As he is ordering, I study him a bit more.

His middle fingers each had a silver ring with a dragon engraved on them, each slightly different. One had three dragons on it while the other only had one.

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