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It started to rain heavily as Xander rapidly pulled up to the warehouse and squealed the wheels of the van to come to an abrupt stop.

Killian immediately takes off both our seat belts and then pulls me onto his lap so he can easily carry me out of the vehicle.

"I can walk perfectly fine Killian," I protest.

He gives me a disapproving look, but does not say anything.

Instead, he picks me up to place me on the sidewalk, and then places my arm around his neck to help me lean my weight on him so I could place all my weight on his shoulder.

"Come on, we need to get inside," Vincent instructs as Xander stays in the vehicle.

I caught a glimpse of his eyes through the rain and they were dark, vengeful even.

His face was held tightly and his expression formed nothing but anger.

He wasn't getting out of the vehicle.

"Don't do this Xander," Vincent warned as Xander's hands clenched the wheel, making a permanent indent of his fingers into the leather.

"I have to, I didn't kill him. I have to finish this once and for all," he spoke through tight lips as he pressed on the gas, water spewing in all directions as he sped out of sight.

"Fuck, he's got a deathwish," Vincent cursed as he dialed someone on his phone and beckoned Killian and I to go inside. "I'll be inside soon, type in 141, there are doctors down there that will help you both," he said before he started running down the street.

"He's going after Lachlan?" Killian tensely asked as he picked me up and carried me to the back doors.

"Yeah," I tell Killian as he punches in the numbers and the large door opens.

We made it through the doors and Killian carried me down the stairs into a dusty facility that had bright fluorescent lights and a group of doctors awaiting the chaos that was about to arrive.

"Bring her in here," one of them called to Killian while leading us into a vacant room.

Killian sat me in a chair while the doctor examined my leg.

Another came into the room and started cleaning Killian's wounds.

As the doctor was bandaging my leg, there was screaming and chaos outside the room.

Many people were shot tonight and they were starting to roll in.

The doctors left the room when they were finished helping Killian and I and went where they were needed most.

Killian sat in a chair close to me and took my hand in his, leaning his head back against the wall with his eyes closed.

The cuts on his face were now cleaned and bandaged and the blood staining his face from his nose bleed was wiped away. Red blotches lingered on his face still and would turn purple in a few days.

"This wasn't your fault Killian and don't think it was," I murmur.

"It's my fault Adam was killed," he sighs, opening his eyes and looking down at the floor.

When he glanced back up at me through his long eyelashes, his silver eyes were piercing, captivating me into a trance.

"Please don't take this off again," he pleads as he fiddles with the band on my finger.

I opened my mouth to speak, but a familiar voice called out my name as Killian stood to move out of the way.

Before I knew it, I was engulfed in a hug, water droplets hitting my shoulder.

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