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"You shouldn't have done that," Reese angrily said as he unbuckled his seat and started to climb in the back toward me.

"Chill Hercules! I did this for her own good!" I reasoned as he rolled his eyes and sat back down in the front passenger seat but only so he could open the door and get out.

Morgan opened the back door to where Rebecca and I were.

"Yeah for your own good so you could get some sleep on the plane," he sarcastically commented before he crunched his knuckles.

"You'll change your mind once you hear what I have to say," I started as Reese and Morgan chilled out slightly. "Last night that same man that was with Xander came into my bar," I revealed.

"What does that have to do with Rebecca being sedated?" Reese interrupted as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm getting there. The same thing happened. His back was turned to the cameras and the footage was erased except for one camera, to let us know he was there," I explained as gangsters started to come closer to the van, wondering what was going on. "Jump in. No one should hear this," I instructed as Reese hopped in the passenger seat and Morgan in the driver's seat.

"Drive," Reese instructed as Morgan quickly reversed out of the driveway and onto the road. "The gps in the console will give you the directions Morgan. Now continue," he told me then.

"He left a note on a napkin. I'm coming for Rebecca," I told them as their jaws dropped.

"Who was the guy?" Morgan asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Who else? It was the leader of The Lions," I revealed.

"Why would they want my sister?" Reese asked worriedly as she lay in my arms unconscious.

"Who knows, but it's better that she doesn't know this. She's already in a bad position knowing about the agreement. I don't want her to feel like she's in danger," I told them as I looked down at her.

"You didn't have to sedate her though. You could have gotten us alone and told us," Reese stated as I chuckled.

"Rebecca somehow always finds a way to hear everything. I didn't want to take any changes," I told them.

"The plan is to still go to Russia right?" Reese asked as Morgan stopped the vehicle a few yards away from the plane.

"Yes. And since finding the note, Dante thinks it's a good idea to stay out of the country for as long as possible. So after the ball, we're either going to stay in Russia, or go somewhere else that's safe," I explained as men helped carry our luggage into the jet.

I unbuckled Rebecca's seatbelt and then my own before carrying her into the plane and onto a seat where I strapped her limp body in.

I walked off the plane to find Reese and Morgan with someone else.

"Where the hell have you been?" Reese asked Xander as I walked up slowly behind them.

"I've been around," Xander vaguely said as he kept looking around, like he didn't want anyone else to see him. "Look, I don't have a lot of time. Just whatever you do, don't tell anyone I was here okay?" He asked as Morgan and Reese gave each other a confused look.

"You're serious? What the hell is up dude? You've been gone for weeks and you don't want anyone to know you're back?" Reese asked as Xander sighed.

"I'm not back," he simply said.

"But, you're here," Morgan pointed out as Xander shook his head.

"I'm not ready to come back yet. The only reason I'm here is for Bex. I heard about the threat The Lions gave and I want to help protect her," he explained as I stepped toward him.

"Who's the guy you were with at my bar Xander?" I asked him as he had a confused expression on his face.

"Guy? Yeah I'm not into guys," he stated flatly.

"The blonde guy who somehow erased all our camera footage except for one. The only one that didn't get his face," I explained as Xander's face fell.

"What?" Reese asked as Xander gulped.

"Uh, I thought he was a member of The Black Dragons—he gave me a ride to a hotel," Xander said as our jaws dropped.

"Did you tell him anything?" Morgan asked suddenly.

"I think just my name—I don't know guys. I was drunk as shit! Who was he?"

"You met the leader of The Lions," I told him as he looked as shocked as the rest of us.

"Holy shit! I could have taken him out right there!" Xander spat as he ran his hands through his hair and started pacing.

"Calm down," I hissed. "We can't dwell on the past. All we can do is protect Rebecca and find out what The Lions want with her."

"Xander, you up for a trip?" Reese asked as Xander nodded.

"What have you got in mind?"

"We're going to find you an unmarked plane and fly you to Russia after us," Reese says as Xander smiles.

"No one knows I'm back, so no one knows that I'll be in Russia. That's perfect Reese," he smiled sinisterly as he liked the plan. "I'll be in touch with you guys via encrypted message, so be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary okay?" He said before he jogged away into the shadows.

"Encrypted message? Who does he think he is?" Morgan scoffed before he walked into the plane.

"I've got a bad feeling about this trip," Reese truthfully uttered.

"Me too," I agreed.

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