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Warning: First of all thanks for reading. English is not my first language so there may be some mistakes. There are some swearing words along with sexual words and scenes. I might make some mistakes because I'm new to Formula 1 and I tried to research everything before writing but some things are hard to find (I accept any help you can give me tho).

Every character and name are merely representative and I do not mean to insult anyone, but someone will be the villain (or not) so if it's your idol I'm sorry. Some family names/birthdays are made up because there are pieces of information that are, obviously, not made public. Some facts and results may be changed to better fit the story.


♪ She told me that I'm not enough, yeah
And she left me with a broken heart, yeah ♪

March 14th, 2021
Mia Bakker POV

I couldn't believe that I was here, I never wanted to come back here. I looked around and saw that Maaseik still looks the same. I knock on my parents' door and when my mom opens it she almost passes out.

"Baby, you are alive" She says shocked, I smile and she hugs me.

"I'm sorry mom, I needed to disappear for a while but I need your help right now" I say and hear footsteps inside the house.

"Who is it-" He starts asking but when he sees he freezes in the middle of the hall and I give him a small smile, he shoves my mom aside and hugs me.

"I'm sorry dad, I really had to" I say and he grabs my arms and gives a step back while analyzing me.

"You're too skinny, I don't like it, don't overwork yourself. It doesn't matter what happened, I'm happy you're here, I thought you had done something crazy" He says and I see he wanted to cry but my mom was already doing it.

"I need your help, I really do" I said a little desperate, I wouldn't come back here if it wasn't a life or death situation.

"Tell me, we will help you in what we can" He says and I go back to my car, he was old but good enough. They follow me and I open the door showing Emilia sleeping, my mom gasped and covered her mouth and my dad looked shocked.

"Oh baby, what have you done? Why didn't you tell us?" He asks with tears in his eyes.

"I wanted to but I couldn't, it was better this way but now... She is sick, she needs a new liver, I'm not a match. If you could just get tested I would be grateful, I can't lose her" I said already crying and my dad just nods, looking speechless, which is rare.

"Of course we will get tested, look at her, oh Mia, you should have both stayed with us. Can we go to the hospital now?" He asks looking disappointed with himself.

"I know dad, I'm really sorry but I need to solve this please." I say and he gets on the driver's side and my mom on the passenger.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Let's go see what we can do. Let's go to the hospital" My mom says and I get around the car and enter, for a few seconds my little girl opens her blue eyes and looks a little startled but I hold her hand and she falls asleep quickly.

"Do you think they will do it?" I ask, it's still confusing with all the covid thing, it's 2021 and it looks like the end of the world.

"We will talk to David, he is a family friend, he will help us" He says and a few minutes parks the car.

He quickly gets out and picks Emilia up and I feel like crying, I can't believe this is how they meet her for the first time, I failed, a lot. My mom smiles almost tearing up and I put my hand on hers and we enter the hospital. A couple of minutes later we were in David's office and he enters with a smile .

"Everyone thought you turned into a real ghost, but you just got really pale and skinny" He says and I shrug.

"Nice to see you too" I say and he lets out a laugh, he is like 10 years older than me and was one of the neighborhood kids, we know each other pretty well.

"Do you have all her documents, tests, and exams?" He asks and I give him the case with all of it.

"She has had it since she was 3, it is getting worse and worse, they can't find any donor, I am trying to find one myself. She has primary sclerosing cholangitis. I went to the United States but they can't seem to find a donor, it's a rare disease but they are well prepared. I just need a match" I say and he nods.

"Let's do some tests and I will call you, tomorrow" He says and my mom and dad go with him Emilia wakes up and looks around confused.

"Mommy, where are we? You said we were going to oma and opa's house" She says sleepy and trying to move out of my arms, she knows Dutch and English but she refers to them in dutch because she always thought they would like it more.

"They are busy, we will wait for them" I said and she gives a small smile.

"I don't feel worse, why are we here?" She asks and I try not to cry.

"We are seeing if opa and oma are okay" I say and she nods. She starts walking around the office until they come, when they do she runs to my chair and hides behind it.

"Looks like the princess is awake" David says and I hear her laugh.

"Come say hello to grandma my beautiful angel" My mom says and she runs into her arms and hugs her.

"You look like mommy" She says looking at my mom and they laugh.

"And you look like your mommy too, so beautiful"

"Did your mommy teach you a lot of Dutch?" My dad asks when she opens her arms to him.

"Yes I speak Dutch and English because I am very smart and mommy is too" She says excitedly and they laugh.

"Now is time to get some tests done with this little princess. Do you want to go with oma?" David asks and she nods, the three leave and my dad sits on the chair by my side and puts his hand on top of mine.

"She's the spitting image of you and Max, Mia" He says looking at the floor.

"She is, I know, she has his eyes and my smile and I see him every time I look at her" I say with tears in my eyes.

"She is 6?" He asks and looks at me with a supportive look.

"Almost, she will be in 6 months. She was born on the same day he was"

"My god Mia, what's her name? Does she have his name?" He asks nervously.

"No, she is Emilia Marie Bakker, I couldn't put his name on the birth certificate without him there so I used his middle name to at least give her something from him" I say and he nods.

"Why? You broke up with him while pregnant with his child. You were 18, you were together for 5 years, and you loved each other. He would've loved her, you can't tell me otherwise. He spent all the time he had free from the races going around and asking about you"

"I am a coward but I did what was best. Please believe me dad, I just need you two right now, I need her to survive and I need you as support. I can't keep doing this alone, this is killing me"

"You never had to be alone, we are here for you, forever and always. We love you, you are our little girl" He says and hugs me and I let myself cry for a bit but I then clean my tears and wait for my little girl to come back.

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