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♫ Yeah, I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be ♫

Mia Bakker POV

The days went by, we went on a boat trip and Em loved it, she was always with someone different every time I looked at her, Max took some photos with fans and Em always ended up talking to them but nobody remembered I was his ex, yet.

His family left Wednesday after dinner and we left on Thursday early morning, we got there at lunchtime, Em wanted to go to the bathroom so Max went to the rooms to put our suitcases and I went to see the restaurant to find a table and Daniel was there with some drivers and he gets up surprised and I go to greet them.

"I wasn't expecting to see you again" He says surprised.

"Yeah, I think you will see me a lot around here now" I say and I saw he was ready to gossip and Lewis laughs.

"I always knew you would be back, I guess Kelly is gone" Lewis says and I nod.

"I'm not back with Max, it's a bit more complicated but Kelly and him are over. Nice to see you again Hamilton" I say and he nods.

"I'm Charles" The guy with the accent says and the other ones present themselves, one was called Pierre, a young guy who was called Yuki, another who was Lando, a guy who was taller than Max and was called George Russel, and one named Alex. There was also Carlos but I saw him in one or two races before the break-up. But they seemed close and a fun group honestly.

"I'm Mia, but I think you know that already. Max is here, I have to find a table" I say when I see him looking for me and he must have Em holding his hand because I couldn't see her.

"We have two more seats, sit with us" Lando says and I let a awkward laugh.

"We need three seats" I say when Max sees me and comes to me and they seem to freeze when they see her, they alternated looks between the three of us and I tried really hard not to laugh.

"Hey guys, good to find you all here, well this is Emilia, she is our daughter" He says as it was the most normal thing to announce, I look at him thinking he was crazy and he just shrugs. He is crazy.

"Well, that wasn't what I expected" Carlos says when he recovers from the shock.

"Mom, why is there so many beautiful men here?" She asks and they all smile and look at each other, oh god.

"They are your dad's friends. Let's eat baby" I say and I see Yuki getting up.

"I will go get a chair for her, she can sit on my place, I already ate, I will seat on the tip of the table" He says and we seat down.

"Do you like cars and races Emilia?" Daniel asks and she thinks about it.

"I do! I heard my dad is one of the best ones. Is it true?" She asks and they laugh.

"No doubt Em" Lewis says and she smiles.

"Well, I think my daddy is the best one ever" She says and we smile at each other and we get the menu and order.

"So are you going to stay this time around?" Daniel asks and I kind of think about it.

"That's the plan, we have a daughter together and he knows about it now so I can't really leave" I say and they laugh.

"Oh, you can't. I will go after you" Max says immediately and I see Lando and Emilia playing some game on his phone.

"Oh come on, you are cheating!" He says when he loses.

"You are a bit dumb, aren't you?" She asks and I and Max look at her with eyes wide open.

"EMILIA! Don't be rude, he's letting you win, he's not dumb" I say and she crosses her arms and looks at Lando waiting to know if it was true.

"I mean... I really wasn't, I don't like losing. She is pretty smart" He says nervously and I hear everyone laugh and the food gets here.

"Max, will you go talk to Christian today or tomorrow?" I ask while I prepared Em's plate so she could eat easier.

"I will talk tomorrow. We have practice at 11 am. Between the press conference and the second practice" He says and I nod and start eating.

"So how old are you Em?" Daniel asks and she starts counting on her fingers.

"I am 5" She says holding her hand up so he could see.

"You're really big, what will you do when you are 6?" Lando asks acting surprised and concerned and she laughs.

"I'm just a child, I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. 6 can wait" She says and eats a bit more and we all laugh.

They kept talking to her while we ate and we just watched, she is a social butterfly. I can't believe these people were taken from her for such selfish reasons as Jos's.

"Be careful" Max says when he sees her playing with the glass.

"Put it down" I say and she puts it down and Pierre distracts her.

When we finish eating we all get up and pay for our meal.

"Let's go walk around. You always loved Italy" Max says and I nod.

"It was good to see you guys, see you tomorrow" I say and each follows their own path.

"I will go get ice creams" Max says and I sit with Em in a bench close by.

"Mama, do you love papa?" She asks after being quiet for a bit.

"Why do you ask that my love?" I ask caught by surprise.

"My friends always said mom and dad normally love each other, do you love dad?" She asks and I smile, kids are so innocent.

"Baby, I loved your dad very much. Now I love you a loot" I say but she shakes her head.

"But do you still love him?" She asks and I look around.

"I do, I will always do but love isn't everything. Me and dad are not together. We are raising you together, we love you a lot" I say and she smiles.

"Love always wins mommy, you know it" She says and I laugh and see Max arriving with the ice creams and he gives us ours.

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