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♫ It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you ♫

Max Verstappen POV

As soon as she started walking towards me, I started getting emotional, I felt accomplished, I had everything I could ever want, I have my kids, the championship and the woman I loved my whole life, the one right in front of me.

"I know you chose to say your own vows, so I will leave to it" The priest says and I nod smiling.

"Mia. I have as many memories of you than of myself, I've known since I've known myself. You have showed me what unconditional love and support feels like. You've never disappointed me, when I needed help you were always there. You are selfless, you risked your own happiness for our family and I love you even more for that. You are the woman I want to spend my life with, you complete me. You are the sweetest person I've known, I'm a stupid arrogant who people like to picture as the bad guy. But you know the real me. You gave me my beautiful daughter and you gave me our beautiful boy. I was going to do this the normal way. Propose, plan it for a year or two and do it. But when I saw you in that hospital bed and with nothing I could do, I knew I didn't want to live without enjoying every moment. So here we are. I am swearng to love and protect you all your life. I will love in health and sickness. I will love you in your downs and lows. Good and bad humor. I will deal with it all for as long as you allow me to. I love you as much as a human being is capable of love to another person" 

She had tears in her eyes but she smiled and took a deep breath as I put the ring on her finger.

"I had no time to prepare my vows and it seems unfair to me. But I will say exactly what I'm feeling as I always do. Max, you are the person who taught how to love. I've loved since I could remember. I've given, I've taken and I've lost. But I am a winner. I have a gorgeous daughter, a healthy son, and an admirable husband. I've never felt nothing but love when I look at you and I see how you look at me. This is the most genuine feeling I've ever felt. With you, I feel protected, I feel safe and I feel loved. I don't need anything more, I have it all. When I almost died, I woke up and I saw you. You looked like you've been through hell and back, I physically felt like I went to hell and back but I relieved. Seeing you as soon as I wake up, that was enough. Your word that everything would be fine, that was more than enough. I love you and nobody will ever take that love from me. So I vow to stay with you through everything like we've already done. I will stay n health, sickness, good and bad, rich or poor" She says putting the ring on my finger.

"I declare you husband and wife"

In that moment I kissed her and I felt so many happiness that I felt I was going to explode. I picked up Emilia, she picked up Kilian and we walked to the outside to where the tables were as flowers were being thrown at us like the tradition said.

Everyone congratulated us and there was a lot of people there. I invited Sergio and his family, Charles, Carlos, Christian and his family, Lando, George, Pierre, Daniel, Mick and some Red Bull crew members and outside friends. Everyone was having fun and Mia was genuinely happy, I thought she would hate me for this.

"I can't believe you did this. I don't even know how you had time to do this" Mia says when she seats by my side.

"I would do everything for you and after what you've been through you deserved a little surprise and a stress-free wedding" I say and she gives me a quick kiss.

"Do you know you are the best man I could ever ask for? Stop being so fucking perfect, you are annoying me" She says and we both laugh.

"Look at her, a social butterfly" I say looking at Emilia having fun while talking to people.

"I don't know where she got that from, definitely not her father" 

"Don't say that" I say outraged by the accusation.

"I can't believe you just got married. It feels like a dream, it's all so perfect" Victoria says when everyone starts going to their seats.

"This is everything I've ever dreamed of. I never dreamt of a big wedding but this is exactly what I wanted" Mia says happily and looking at me with admiration, she loved it, I knew it. She would never want a big luxurious wedding but she would love this and here she has it.

"I know, I made sure you got what you would want. Happy wife, happy life. Since you blew up the surprise of the proposal, I decided to go big or go home. So I went big and I wasn't rejected. I won" I say as both our smiles couldn't get bigger.

"I can't believe you were able to do all this. You are even better than I thought" She says looking around as everyone was getting their food and having fun.

"I can do everything my beautiful wife wants me to. And my kids too. When we got to the hospital and the doctor said I couldn't make a decision, it killed me. I was useless. You are my whole life and I was supposed to just sit there and wait as your parents arrive from another country? You should've been my wife a long time ago. I don't care about our age or whatever. I know I love you and I know you love me too." I say holding her hand and feeling proud to see the rings on her finger, the engagement ring and the wedding ring looked amazing on her.

"I will trust my life with you at any moment in my life. But I know how I feel too and I know this won't end up in divorce. It's until death do us part, make sure you remember that part before doing some shit you might regret" She says and we both laugh.

"You look like royalty" Em says happily sitting by my side as Mia had Kilian's stroller by her side.

"We are royalty baby. You are my princess and your mom is my queen" I say and she gets even happier.

"Max Verstappen, the unexpectedly corny guy" Mia says before getting to eat and I smile.

I got cornier than anyone ever expected, but for her, I always went against my own ways. And this is just one more example.



Max's story is ending in the next chapter, and I decided that I will post Lando's story that's almost finished, it's called "Not The Only One", and it will be posted on Wednesdays and Sundays, just like the others.

I hope you are liking this story and the others I have going on, I appreciate all the support, votes, comments, and messages I've received. I can't believe how amazing you all are.

I hope to see all of you in my future stories even after this one ends.

I love you all and if you need anything or have some requests for a future story, or some ideas, please talk to me, I'm friendly I swear.

Be safe and let's keep in contact 

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now