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♫ I gave you my love to borrow
But you just gave it away ♫

Max Verstappen POV

We were going ahead as Emilia held my hand. We were talking about my recuperation and what exercises I could do, everything basically. Em pulled my hand down, I look at her curious and she looks at Mia.

"Mommy is cold" Em says and I notice she forgot the jacket in my car.

"Mia! Where is your jacket?" I ask starting to take mine off.

"It's fine Max, we are in the summer, I'm okay" She says laughing.

"You have a cropped top, you are not fine. Take mine" I say putting it on her shoulders.

"You can't get sick, put it on" She says pushing it off.

"We can just go back to the cars, 20 minute walks are more than enough for me. We walked 10 minutes, let's walk the 10 minutes to the cars and get home" Victoria says and we nod.

"Keep the jacket. Please" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"You don't need to do that. I'm fine. You should be more careful than me. Worry about yourself" She says and I laugh.

"I'm in perfect condition and my shirt definitely covers my upper body more than your cropped top. It's okay, I always did this for you, I'm not gonna stop now. Even Em has her jacket" I say and she nods and we were side by side while Emilia went ahead telling them how it was in the hospital.

"Do you want me to sleep on the couch or are you fine with us sleeping together? I said I would sleep there so Sophie would be comfortable" She says while we walked back.

"It's fine by me. I don't mind having you in my bed. I just need to know what we should do with what happened last night" I say and she looks nervous.

"Let's just talk about it at home" She says and I nod.

The way home was fun and we put Emilia to sleep, which was faster than usual. I got in the room and Mia went first for her bath, I took mine after, and when I got out she gets up to head inside.

"I need to dry my hair" She says and I nod. I dress while she dries her hair and then I lay in bed enjoying the silence.

"I'm finished if you need something from there" She says while coming into the bedroom again and leaving the bathroom door open.

"I don't. I just want to know where we are at. Was it a mistake for you? I need to know it" I say and she looks down.

"It wasn't a mistake. I just- I don't want history to repeat itself. We both went through hell to be here" She says laying down and I nod.

"I would never allow history to repeat itself. If I know he talked to you or about you I will take care of it. And nobody can keep me away from you" I say and she smiles. "I don't want us to be dating all of a sudden but I needed to know it wasn't a mistake"

"It wasn't a mistake. I did it and I would do it again. I would do everything again" She says shrugging and I smile too.

"Come here" I say and she goes into my arms, I hug her and she later lays her head on my chest. I stroked her hair until she fell asleep.

The next day I woke up to Em getting in our bed and laying her head on my shoulder.

"You look happy" She says happily.

"I am princess, you make me happy" I say kissing her forehead.

"Mom makes you happy too" She says and I nod.

"She does baby, you two make me the happiest man alive" I say and she laughs.

"Are you going to have a baby? I want a baby" She says and I try not to laugh.

"Maybe later, a baby is not a good idea right now" I say and she nods.

"Good morning" I hear Mia's sleepy voice while turning around in our direction.

"Mommy, oma made breakfast" Em says excitedly and Mia nods.

"Let's eat then baby" She says while sitting on the bed while running her hands through her hair and then her face. Em ran out of the room and I stood up.

"You still look good in the morning" I say and she laughs while failing to strike me with her arm.

"I look like shit. Just be honest. You still look pretty good when you wake up, just like when you finish a race" She says while walking to the door and walking by my side.

"Don't test me baby" I whisper and I hear her laugh before she heads out.

"Good morning" I hear my mom say excitedly as soon as I enter the living room while everyone sat around the table.

"Good morning everyone" I say while sitting down by Mia's side.

"You look happy" Mom says and I let out a laugh.

"Why wouldn't I be happy? All that I need is right here, I'm perfectly fine" I say looking around and seeing my mom and sister smile.

"You are being cheesy, you are not cheesy" Mia says making us all laugh.

"Let me be the arrogant asshole everyone thinks I am" I say while we laugh.

"Let them think all they want, you are the future champion, not them" Mia says and I can't help the huge smile I got.

"You two are meant for each other" Victoria says while smiling and Mia nods.

"Maybe" Mia says shrugging and I laugh.

"At least we know for a fact that we make cute kids. Emilia is the pure example of that" I say and she laughs.

"I have something to show you. If you all want to see it I would be happy" She says and we all were a bit confused as to what it could be.

"What is it?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Just some memories I filmed of Em growing up, I found them the other day. I thought you would like to see more than just the pictures you saw of her when she was little" She says and I smile and I see my mom getting excited.

"You have videos of her growing up? That is going to make me cry" My mom says and Mia laughs.

"I was able to film her first steps, I had my camera on almost all the time so I could film everything in case I was ever able to reunite her with Max" She says looking at me and I give her a nod while smiling.

"Thank you for that" I say and we get back to eating breakfast while Em tried to stuff her mouth full and Mia basically scolded her for that because she was getting all messy and was past the age to do that.

I like this whole mess. I will have this every day for the rest of my life.

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now