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♬ Tryin' to find a quick fix
'Cause you can't take the pain in ♬

Max Verstappen POV

She was giving me the cold shoulder, she went to the kitchen and had a talk with my mom and sister so I thought it was about me because I obviously said I love her and she knew it was true because my heart can't be controlled. I can't say it was a joke, and I wouldn't say it. She comes back minutes after my mom and Vic were already there and she gives me the cold shoulder. What is wrong with her? I don't know.

She doesn't look at me, doesn't talk at me, and then goes to make dinner when everyone had agreed days ago that this last meal with them here would be out. Now, here I am, laughing because this girl found the engagement ring I've kept on my nightstand for the last 6 years. She found it! And she is dumb enough, or slow enough, to think it was for somebody else!

I'm not even mad at her but I'm laughing because she didn't even think it could be for her, the person I spent 5 years with and loved since I was a kid.

"Are you done laughing now? I found it, I didn't make this up" She says pretty stressed out by then.

"I know you found it! It was there, there was no way to make this up but that ring wasn't for Dilara or Kelly or whoever came to your mind. Are you that slow?" I say and she looks confused and stops to think.

"Then who is it for?" She asks confused.

"It was for you. I promised myself I would buy an engagement ring for you with my first paycheck from Formula 1 and I did it. I bought it with the money from Toro Rosso's contract. I was making 200K from that contract so I took the 16K I made the first month and bought the engagement ring" I say and she looks at me in pure shock.

"You bought it the year we broke up?" She asks and I nod.

"I did, we knew we were for life, even if life got in the way. I still know it is for life, what we have, I won't ever have that with anyone" I say and she was trying not to smile.

"You did it on purpose, why wouldn't you hide it?" She asks and I shrug.

"I mean, I didn't know you were this nosy" I say and she slaps my arm.

"Hey! I was looking for my shirt" She says and I laugh.

"The Toro Rosso shirt? It's in the washer" I say and she seems to remember using it a few days ago to sleep in.

"Well, be more careful with expensive things next time" She says going back to preparing things for dinner.

"Everyone is getting dressed for dinner, for the reservation you made. You should do it too" I say and she looks back widening her eyes.

"I completely forgot. Oh my god. I'm sorry" She says starting to put the things she got out on the fridge.

"So... Did you like the ring? Or should I buy a different one?" I ask while I followed her to our room so we could get changed.

"Max! Don't say things like that" She says running around while trying to choose what to wear and I laugh.

"Come on, I need to know. I will obviously not propose with that one, I just need to know if the style was right" I say getting dressed since I had my clothes for that evening planned, by her, yesterday.

"Why are we talking about a possible wedding?" She asks turning around and finally stopping what she was doing.

"Because I love you and because you love me too?" I say putting bit of a doubt on the last part

"Do you love me or do you love what we once had?" She asks and I'm taken by surprise.

"I love you, I love what we once had and I definitely love what we have now" I say and she nods getting back to what she was doing, I get done dressing and she finally speaks when I was doing my hair and putting some cologne on.

"I liked the ring, the style is what I want. Sophie, Victoria or both?" She asks getting in the bathroom too and I am surprised.

"Both. Let me help" I say while she was putting the zipper on her dress up, she turns around and I do it for her. "You looks stunning" I say while she was putting some lipstick on and doing a soft make up.

"Thank you. That looks good on you, let me just rearrange that shirt before you wrinkle it" She says getting closer and doing it right, I knew she would do this.

"Max! Come here!" I hear my mom's voice and Mia takes a step back.

"Go ahead, I will get out in a second" She says and I nod heading out of the bathroom, I take a look back at her before I leave and I smile.

"Next time, watch things closely, the drawer's bottom was full of stuff from the time we dated, if you found the box and searched a bit more you would've known it was for you" I say opening the door.

"Max!" She almost screams and I see her head appearing on the bathroom door.

"What?" I ask confusedly.

"I love you too" She says and quickly hids in the bathroom. I get out of the room with a huge smile and see my mom with Em in front of her.

"Why did you yell?" I ask looking at both of them confusedly but the smile was there.

"Our dear Emilia was getting in trouble. She was snooping through her grandmother's stuff" My mom says and I kneel down to get to Em's height.

"What have I told you? You can't go through other people's stuff, it's private. If you want to go inside a bedroom or a place that isn't yours you knock. If you want to see something you ask and if the person says no to your knocking or your curiosity you accept it" I say and she nods.

"Okay daddy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry oma" She says hugging me and then my mom's legs. My mom winks at me and I smile at her, I believe teaching these boundaries starts at a young age so I don't really think the problem was her seeing my mom's stuff but she was breaking things we previously agreed were right.

We waited for Mia and Vic to come out and they appear on the living room at the same time and I could guarantee that I would marry this woman right now. She gave me a smile as I got up and I did the same. If she loves me back then I'm the happiest man alive.

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now