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♬ You only know what you lost
When you try and replace it ♬

Mia Bakker POV

I was dying inside. Not from sadness. He said he loved me and at first, I thought he was joking, but then I heard how quick his heart was, he wasn't lying. He loves me and I love him. As soon as the movie ended I got up and checked on the kids who were still pretty much asleep. I decided to go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water to calm myself down because I was still thinking of Max. I heard steps and turned around wishing it wasn't him and it was just Victoria and Sophie. I take a deep breath relieved it was them.

"Are you okay? You seem stressed" Victoria says worriedly.

"I am fine, I just- I don't know what to do" I say and they look at each other confusedly.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Sophie asks confusedly.

"Max. He said he loved me, I thought it was a playful thing but I heard his heart racing. What do I do? I don't want to fuck it all up" I say nervously.

"Mia. He still loves you, that's pretty clear to everyone. If you feel it's too soon to give it a try tell him that. He won't take it personally, you went through a lot to be safe, it's fine to have second thoughts about everything" Vic says and I nod.

"Do you love him?" Sophie asks and I stop for a second.

"I do, I really do. I just- what if he's just saying in the heat of the moment? What if he just wants it all to go back to normal? We aren't the same people we were 6 years ago, I can't promise it our relationship won't be different" I say and Sophie smiles at me.

"Baby, relationships change and people change. That's why people break up. But there are people who grow together while their relationship grows too. You two are made for each other" Sophie says holding my hand.

"Take all the time you want to be sure if this is really what you want" Vic says and I smile.

"You are right. Give me a few minutes, I'm going to the bathroom" I say and go to our bedroom.

After coming out of the bedroom I started to think of where I must have left the sweatshirt Max gave me from his first year in Formula 1, I loved it and kept it with me all this time and it's now gone from where I remember to have put it. I opened all the drawers I saw and finally decided to check on our bedstands.

I thought twice about opening Max's but I decided to do it anyway because if he didn't want people to look through them he would've locked it or something. I opened the drawers and the third and last one I was about to close it when I saw a box and tried not to get myself to open it but I did.

It was an engagement ring, was he going to propose to someone? Shit. Was it Dilara or maybe Kelly? I left while we were both close to 18 so it wasn't me for sure. I closed it and got out of the room, I gave up on looking. I got into the living room and they were all talking, I sat by Max's side but I just kept thinking that he loved one of them enough to think of marriage.

"Are you okay?" He asks after a few minutes, I think it had been minutes since I sat down.

"I'm fine" I say without even looking at him. Vic and Sophie were suspicious and didn't say anything.

"Are they still sleeping? I think they will sleep until dinner time" Sophie says and I nod.

"They are in a deep sleep, I will go make dinner and they will probably wake up by then. Em is always running around and has been too tired, she needs to calm down during the morning" I say getting up and letting out a laugh thinking of all the energy Em has in the mornings.

I went into the kitchen and took a deep breath, how long will I hold this in before I ask him who that ring was for? I'm not the best at hiding emotions. I was looking through the fridge when I heard Max's voice.

"What is happening?" He asks and I keep quiet without turning around. "Is it because I said I love you? I do love you, but I should've waited for a better moment to say it" He says when he doesn't get an answer.

"It's nothing, I'm fine" I say taking what I wanted to use from the fridge.

"Mia! Look at me!" He says getting closer and I turn around seeing him a few inches from me.

"I don't want to look at you. I just want some peace and quiet to think about things" I say looking at him but quickly turning my look to the floor.

"What have I done?" He asks confusedly.

"I- I was looking for one of my shirts all over the room and I found the engagement ring. Who were you going to propose to? Dilara? Kelly? Another person you were with that the public didn't know?" I ask and he goes quiet.


That's the only thing he says while being completely surprised by what I just said.

"Mia are you for real?" He asks sounding dumbfounded by what I just asked.

"Of course I am, do you really think I would make this up Max?" I ask and he laughs. This son of a bitch laughs in my face like I just said a good fucking joke. I am mad, I am jealous, and I. Don't. Like. It.

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum