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♪ But you know the truth, I'd rather hold you
Than try to catch this flight ♪  

Max Verstappen POV

The next day, we got a flight to the Netherlands, and as soon as we landed we went to see Victoria and the little guy who was just born. She was happy to see us and she put Lio in Mia's arms, I looked at her and smiled. I can't believe this will be our reality soon enough.

"Can we have one too?" Emilia asks and everyone laughs.

"You are being annoying darling, we talked about it already" Mia says without even looking at her because she was looking at Lio.

"They will have a second baby someday, you have to wait Em" My mom says hugging her.

We spent the whole day before heading to my mom's house where we would all be staying until the holiday's end. Mia's childhood house was also great but my dad is the neighbor so it's a chance nobody wanted to take. Mia came to me on Friday and I was confused when she was telling me to go outside and then I remembered it might have to do with the secret pregnancy.

"Is everything okay?" I ask as we get outside.

"Yes, but I scheduled the ultrasound for today after lunch, Victoria will be here with the kids and I told her we were going to buy Em's gifts so we have a full afternoon" She says and I nod smiling.

"I can't wait for us to see our baby, I still can't believe this is true" I say hugging her.

"I think the ultrasound will make it pretty real" She says with a huge smile.

We stayed there a few more minutes just hugging and looking at the fantastic view my mom had, I missed this. We went inside and behaved like everything was normal, even though I was dying of nervousness. So now, I'm in the waiting area at the hospital and I feel my heart beating so fast that I think I will throw up.

"Mia Bakker" We hear a doctor calling while getting out of her office and we quickly get up.

"It's me" Mia says and she shakes our hands.

"Welcome. What can I do for you both?" The doctor asks as we sat down.

"Well, uhm, I had 3 pregnancy tests turning up positive like 2 weeks ago and I wanted to do an ultrasound and confirm if everything is alright" She says and the doctor asks her some basic questions before Mia lays down and I hold Mia's hand, it was for me than for her honestly.

"So, is this your first child? How do you feel about this?" The doctor asks and Mia shakes her head.

"We have a daughter already" She says with a huge smile while the doctor put the gel on her belly.

"Oh, really? How old is she?" She asks excitedly.

"She is 6" Mia says and we get quiet when the machine turns on and we hear the heartbeat almost instantly. I was almost tearing up and I was prepared for this, imagine if I wasn't.

"Well, I can tell you that you are about 6 weeks pregnant, it't still pretty early and you know how to proceed. He will probably be born around July or August" She says and Mia nods giving me a smile.

We were there for a few more minutes and the doctor took some notes but to me, it seemed pretty confusing, I was just happy he was there. We left the hospital and went into the car with some pictures of the ultrasound.

"Well, now it's confirmed" I say happily and she shrugs.

"I knew it wasn't a false negative with 3 different positives. But we had a lot of dinners, I will thank myself that I don't drink alcohol often" She says letting out a laugh.

"Time to go shopping now" I say and she looked happy with the idea.

"Do you think you are ready to be a dad now? What about the next season? He will probably be born during the season" She says and I shrug, that is not my biggest worry.

"I will take care of it, I will leave every Thursday to Sunday and come back as soon as it's done. I will be with you every time I can" I say not concerned about it.

"I think it's going to be a boy now" She says happily while I drove to the closest mall.

"I hope so, I won't raise him like I was raised, if he likes racing that's fine, but that's on him" I say and she nods, I know she agrees on it.

"You aren't Jos, you are Max and you are way better than him" She says resting her hand on my shoulder.

"I know it Mia. You showed me that" I say and a few minutes later park the car.

We get out and it was a full afternoon. We bought gifts for everyone, including some gifts to announce the pregnancy at Christmas. We went home close to dinner and bought the food with us. Em runs to us and I pick her up before she got to Mia because she is a bit aggressive sometimes and Mia is not as strong as me and shouldn't be lifting Em as much as she sometimes wants.

"Dad! Auntie said that Santa is bringing me the biggest gift of all" She says excitedly as we entered the living room.

"Of course! Santa rewards the kids who are well-behaved and you are the best of them all" I say and she smiles proudly.

"Mom, what is dinner?" She asks as Mia put the bags on the counter. All the gifts are now in the trunk of my car and will stay there until Christmas.

"Your favorite" Mia says making Em go to the floor.

Em helps us set the table so we could have dinner and a tired Victoria appears. Two babies must be even harder. I know this is a challenge but I like challenges. It's with Mia, I would do anything for her. I look as everyone socializes and I can proudly say that 2021 has been the best year of my life.

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