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♬ Being with somebody helps
But if I'm honest with myself ♬

Max Verstappen POV

We had a late night, we were supposed to leave at 9 am for the airport so we could be in Belgium by 11 am but it was 8 am and I think we had half an hour of sleep to be honest. I took the suitcases Mia had already prepared, dressed Em and when I went to get dressed I woke her up so she could have at least half an hour of sleep than what I had.

"Is it time already?" She asks sleepy and I laugh.

"It is, get dressed and we can sleep forx 2 hours inside the jet" I say and she nods, gets up, and goes to her room to get dressed.

10 minutes later we were heading downstairs and leaving in the taxi that was scheduled to pick us up, we went through security and quickly got on the plane like 5 minutes after 9 am. She sat down and leaned her head on my shoulder making me smile.

"We choose a shitty night to have no sleep" I say and she laughs.

"You chose it badly but at least you only have the press conference, you will survive it" She says and I nod.

"Mommy, why weren't you in your room in the morning? Where were you?" She asks and I try not to laugh.

"Mom was sleeping with dad because we are a couple and as you publicly announced, couples sleep together" Mia says being a bit snarky and Em laughs.

"I like it. Maybe the baby will be the next thing then" She says happily.

"No. No baby Em. Mom and dad don't need a baby right now" Mia says annoyed and I kept holding myself from laughing at that conversation.

"I don't want to be 10 and have a baby in the house, he needs to be born before that" She says taking us by surprise.

"What do you even know about babies Emilia?" Mia asks sitting straight and giving up from sleeping on my shoulder and the planes starts to take off.

"Well, they cry and scream a lot. They are cute and the baby will make sure that I will never be alone growing up like Luka and his baby brother that's about to come" She says and Mia smiles.

"You will never be alone anyways but daddy has a really messy job and travels around, he can't deal with a baby right now darling" Mia says and Em nods pouting.

"I know, I just didn't want to be an only child, everyone seems to have siblings" She says and Mia nods.

"I know but I'm an only child, I did just fine and maybe when you are older your dad will slow down and we can think about it" Mia says trying to be positive.

"But you were alone for a long time. We were alone. I don't want that. I like dad and auntie Victoria's relationship. They have someone to talk to. You are all adults, it's hard to talk to you. I don't understand half of what you say" She says and I smile.

"How about mom and dad see how it goes? A baby can't be promised but we can see how life goes and maybe sooner than later we will have a baby" I say and she nods.

She ate breakfast and we did too but after that, Mia fell asleep, and so did Em and then me. I woke up due to the turbulence and so did they. Mia stretched a bit and put the seatbelt on, I put Em's and mine on too, and waited for the plane to land.

"You look really good today" Mia says and I look confusedly at her.

"Do I?" I ask with a smirk, was she hitting on me? Because I definitely like it.

"You do, you are getting more handsome as time goes on, I don't know if I like it though" She says and I laugh.

"I'm all yours baby, don't worry about it" I say and she smiles.

"I like that, keep that in mind, maybe Megan will show up and you have to make her understand what you just told me. I have anger issues that I don't plan to show in front of our daughter" She says and I laugh until I realize she was being serious.

"I don't want Megan, or anyone else if it matters. I want you. You are all I need" I say giving her a quick kiss and Em laughs.

"I like that then. Let's get out" She says and I nod.

We went to check in at the hotel and basically immediately went to the paddock so I could get there with some time left before the first practice because Christian was stressed and wanted to see how I was before I do anything. As soon as I got to Red Bulls' hospitality I saw him and he looked at me and seemed relieved.

"You don't look like someone who did a life-changing surgery" He says and I let out a laugh.

"I look even better than before, I know it" I say and he laughs.

"I hope you can perform as well as before or even better. This championship could be yours, don't ruin it" He says and I nod.

"Don't worry, I want to win too. I wouldn't jeopardize this. I just want to clarify that Jos is not allowed here. I made it clear and I hope that will be respected" I say and he nods.

"We took all measures and he won't be allowed on the paddock. He can pay as a normal person to see the races but he won't be able to get in the paddock even if he buys it. Your safety is above that" He says pretty seriously so I know I can count on him.

"Thank you, I will go get ready. I just hope they won't focus just on the surgery during the interviews" I say and he starts leaving with me, when we get there I see Em and Mia watching the different garages.

"Good luck" Mia says and I go to her side.

"Thank you baby, love you both" I say giving her a quick kiss and messing Em's hair.

"It's official now?" Christian asks with a smile.

"It is, finally" I say smiling wider and greeting the other drivers before heading inside of the garage to get ready for the first practice since the surgery.

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now