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♫ It's even harder to picture
That you're not here next to me ♫

Max Verstappen POV

We were all walking around and Mia had to go to the bathroom so I sat outside with Emilia and she looked like she wanted to ask me something.

"Do you need something darling?" I ask and she smiles.

"Papa, do you still love mama?" She asks and she caught me by surprise.

"What? Why do you ask that?"

"My friends always say moms and dads love each other" She says and I let out a laugh.

"They do, most of them. And me and your mother loved each other a lot" I say nervously.

"Mommy said she would always love you. Will you always love her?" She says and I get thoughtful, would she really say that to our daughter?

"She said that?" I ask and she nods with a smile. "I will always love your mom too. And I'll love you forever too"

"If you love each other then you can be together"

"It doesn't work that way love, mom and I are okay like we are. You are our priority" I say and she smiles.

"Mama is coming" She says and we get up, Mia smiles and I smile back. Now I'm nervous.

"There's a park there, do you want to go for a bit?" I ask when we were passing the park and she goes and we watch close by.

"She had the same talk with you huh?" Mia asks and I let out a laugh.

"She did. Kids that age talk a lot" I say and she laughs.

"They really do, they have full-on talks. She does this a lot. She once asked me if you and I divorced" She says and we both laugh.

"She is smart. What did you tell her all these years?" I ask her and she takes a deep breath.

"I told her she would meet you one day, I said I had to leave and we would be back one day. She never thought it was my fault or yours. I always showed her photos and what I could" She says and I smile.

"She is an angel" I say and she nods.

"She is, I made the right decision" She says looking at Em and I look at her.

"You did, I know I lost 5 years but I am grateful that you kept her safe despite the consequences. It must have been harder for you" I say and she nods.

"It was hell, then it was surviving, I went to my lowest and I feel like I can get up again and breathe" I hug her and she hugs me back.

"You can breathe, I'm here to take care of you two, don't worry. Talk to me if something happens" I say and she nods, we take a step back and Em comes running.

"Can we go get dinner now? Mom said you have to get up early" She says and we nod, we go to a restaurant close to where we were and then head to the hotel.

I had reserved two rooms each with a king-size bed and a single bed so Em could choose where she wanted to sleep. I took a shower and went to their room Em opened the door and I don't see Mia.

"Where is mommy?" I ask and she points to the bathroom and I nod.

"She is drying her hair" She says and I guess she started now because the noise started too.

"Thats great, let's take you to bed so you can sleep" She smiles and goes to her bed and I tuck her in and pick up a book she wanted me to read to her.

"That was fast" Mia whispers when she gets out and sees Em already sleeping.

"She was tired, it was a good afternoon" I say and she nods.

"Go get some rest, you need it too" She says and I smile.

"I will, see you tomorrow, I will meet you here at 9 for breakfast and then we can go" I say and she nods.

"See you tomorrow Max"

I left for my room and fell asleep rather quickly. I woke up the next day, dressed and went to her door and she opens it and Em hugs me.

"Good morning daddy" She says and I smile

"Good morning sunshine" I say and she laughs.

"Let's go to see daddy work" Mia says, Em excitedly agrees and starts going to the elevator.

We had breakfast, I got in the car that would take us there and when we did I went to the garage and people started looking, especially other drivers who recognised her and when we got to Red Bulls garage Christian seemed shocked.

"I wasn't expecting that. Hi Mia" He says giving her a hug.

"Hi Christian" She says with a smile.

"I need to talk to you after practice" I say and he nods.

"We will talk when you get here, don't worry" He says and we start preparing for the practice and Mia gets out to show Em the paddock.

Practice ended and Christian made a sign to follow him and we went to my driver's room.

"What is happening? The little girl looked like she could be your daughter" He says and I nod.

"She is, Mia came back last week. She was basically threatened by Jos to keeping herself away from me. I need him to be forbidden in any Formula 1 event" I say and he seems a bit confused.

"Yeah, that can be done. What else?" He asks and I smile, he knew me too well.

"I will be undergoing surgery during the summer break, my daughter needs me. Recovery is between 4 to 6 weeks but I'm an athlete, I'm careful with what I eat and I exercise so the doctor told me 4 weeks would be more than enough" I say and he seems ready to give me a lecture.

"I'm not gonna be an hypocrite because I would do the same for my daughter but be careful, if there is any complication warn me. I will talk to my superiors but they can't legally stop you. I just hope it doesn't screw up your season" He says and I smile.

"Don't worry, we are being followed by the best doctors I could find. It will all be fine" I say and he jus nods, gets up and gives me a smile.

"So you and Mia are back again uh?" He asks while we leave the room and I laugh.

"We aren't, we are co parenting and living together so I can spend more time with Em" I say and he laughs.

"You will be dating again. Her name is Emily?"

"No, Emilia Marie Bakker Verstappen"

"I like it, there is your princess and your queen" He says and I see Mia and Em talking to Perez on the garage.

"I'm back, it's all worked out" I say when I get to them.

"So is Mia" Perez says and we laugh.

"I am, Emilia this is Max's teammate, Sergio Perez" Mia says when Em reappears because she was trying to get into my car.

"I am Emilia and my daddy is the best in the whole world" She says and I can't help but laugh.

"Oh, yes he is" He says realising what was happening.

"Come on, I will get you inside my car" I say and pick her up and I get closer to the car and everyone gets out of the way and I sit her there.

"This is not comfy" She says and I laugh.

"It takes time baby, that is for dad's size too. You are too small" I say and she nods.

"You are really cool dad" She says and extends her arms to me so I could get her out of the car.

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now