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♪ Now there's too many thoughts goin' through my brain, yeah
And now I'm takin' these shots like it's Novocaine, yeah ♪

Mia Bakker POV

The next day David called me and told me he wanted to speak privately so we met at a coffee shop close to the hospital. We greeted each other and ordered breakfast and when the lady got away I finally talked.

"They aren't a match, aren't they?" I ask and he looks down.

"They aren't. You need to talk to the father and his side of the family, her blood type is not yours, she has her father's blood type, the chance that his side of the family will be compatible is bigger"

"I can't do that, it will be worse. Can you see in the system if there's any compatible donor in Belgium?" I ask desperately.

"Mia, she will go to the waiting list, her liver is failing, she has a year or two if she goes like this. I know who the dad is, it's pretty clear who it is. Talk to him, you know he wouldn't say no to you, he's crazy about you since forever. I mean he started karting and racing at four but he was crazy for you since he has memories" He says and I look down, I just want to cry.

"I really can't David. You don't understand, he doesn't know that she exists"

"It's obvious he doesn't know, she doesn't have his last name, you took his middle name and his mom's middle name to honor his side of the family. You want him as a part of her life in some way. You need to talk to him. I have the same blood type and I'm not a match, I tried" He says and I look at him with tears in my eyes, I'm so fucking weak.

"Thank you for testing yourself, you didn't need to. I will try to see what I can do. I just feel like I failed her badly, she doesn't deserve this"

"Those are diseases you can't control, you took good care of her, I can see that. You are beautiful Mia, but you are not the Mia I know, you aren't like this, I can see that you are too skinny and pale, if you get sick nobody will take care of Mia for you, then he will know for sure" He says and I nod.

"I was going through a hard time, my parents are helping me for a while. I will get better, but please promise me that you won't tell Max or anyone that I was here"

"The word is getting around that you or someone pretty similar to you is in town, he will know. But I can deny seeing you, I don't mind. You need to tell him, if he finds out he can take Emilia from you" He says and I almost shake at that idea.

We ate and he updated me on his life, which the biggest upgrade was being a doctor, he was still single and pretty much the same. I went home and discussed it with my parents and I decided that I was gonna go to the Verstappen's door and talk to Jos, or try to. I hate him, I really do but I prefer going to him before going to Max.

I barely slept tonight, I woke up and ate some breakfast and then some lunch and I finally got the courage to go there. I knocked on the door and when he opened it and saw me his eyes went wide.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Are you out of your mind? I thought it was just a rumor" He says and gets out closing the door behind him.

"We need to talk, please" I say almost begging and he lets a laugh out.

"Get the fuck away from here, I won't go back on my word" He says and pushes me and starts to go back to his door.

"If you don't talk to me I will talk to Max, I don't care" I say and he looks at me like he wanted to kill me and he probably did, he followed me to my parents' house and they were in our yard playing with Emilia.

"What do you want? Do you want money?" He asks with a smirk and I roll my eyes.

"Emilia is dying, she needs a liver and we all got tested and we aren't a match, your family has a biggest probability of being a match" I say and he laughs, a lot.

"I hope she dies then, I told you I wanted that child dead a long time ago. You should've listened to me, I told you not to have that child, you chose her over Max. If you hadn't left Max I would've killed her myself. He doesn't need any of this bullshit. He will be a champion this year and you won't get in his way, I will kill you both, I don't care" He says and I wanted to kill him, I really did, I never knew such a disgusting person.

I know this man since I have memories, he always loved me and everyone adored me in that family but when he somehow found out I was pregnant he changed. He gave me a check to have an abortion, and when I denied he gave me some "choices": I could tell Max about the pregnancy but he would kill the child as soon as she was born, or whenever he had the chance to kill me while pregnant, or I would have to disappear from Max's life. I couldn't let my baby die, I didn't have the courage.

He was serious, he told me what he could do to make it seem like an accident. I definitely believe every charge made against him, all the domestic violence, stalking and abuse and I don't know what more. He is crazy.

"If you don't help me I will talk to Max, she is going to die, I have nothing to fear now. You threatened her life and now threaten mine? Fine, but I won't go without a fight. Stupid old man" I say and in that moment we hear a knock on the door, my mom sushes us and goes to open it and when I hear her my heart stops.

"Max, what are you doing here sweetie?" She asks and I get up and his father opens his eyes in complete shock.

"I came to see my father but I was told he was here. Can I get in?" I hear and I almost break down hearing his voice again. Fuck.

"I will get tested if you hide right now" He says and I run outside and pick Emilia up before running away with her and taking her to a park.

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