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♪ Ice keep droppin' and the drink keep flowin'
Try to brush it off but it keep on goin' ♪

Mia Bakker POV

The next day we woke up, I made a suitcase for each one of us and Max helped my mom with breakfast. Emilia woke up meanwhile and went to the kitchen with them. We ate, said our goodbyes, and went to the airport.

"Daddy, will the flight be full?" She asks while we were entering the airport.

"Baby, daddy has his own plane, it will be just us and the crew members" I said and she looks at him in awe.

"Papa, is this true? You have a whole plane for yourself? If you have a plane that means you can give me one of those little cars mama didn't want to give me. Or is it too much?" She says and we both laugh.

"I will whatever car you want baby" He says and picks her up when we see too many people, we go through security and then to his plane where 2 crew members and the pilot were waiting.

"This is better than the other plane mommy" She says sitting next to Max.

"This is private baby, that's why. Put your seatbelt on at least for now" I say and Max puts on her seatbelt and holds her arm.

It was long, the food was definitely good and when we got there we went straight to the hotel and he had asked said it was for two adults and a child and they went with a king side bed and an adjacent room with a child's bed and they were booked for the night.

"I'm so sorry, I forgot to say we weren't a couple" He says with regret.

"There is no problem, we can share a bed again, it's no big deal" I say calmly. He smiles and takes the card for the room, we put our stuff on the bed and open the door that went from our room to hers and put her stuff there.

While I gave her a shower, Max also took his shower and when I took mine he went to get room service and I got out to dinner in our bedroom and a very nauseous Emilia, it wasn't the worst day but sometimes she is okay for a few days and then goes downhill, so I hope this isn't the case.

"Mama, can you rub my belly? It's hurting" She says while pouting and Max looks at me worried.

"Of course, let mama see that beautiful belly" I say and she lays on the bed while I massaged her, sometimes it helped her feel better, maybe the digestion got better, I don't know, the doctor told me it was harmless.

"Can I help?" He asks and I shake my head.

"She will be just like new in a few minutes" I say reassuring him and she giggles.

She fell asleep while I rubbed her belly, she was probably tired and jet lagged so no reason to worry because even I wanted to sleep.

"Does it happen a lot?" He asks when we get back to bed.

"It's the least important symptom, fevers and weakness are worse to deal with" I say and he nods.

"Have a good rest Mia" He says and I smile.

"Sleep well Max"

We spent three days taking care of everything, every exam that needed to be done, every test, every psychologist and specialty they had to see was started to take care of and they agreed in doing the operation on the 2nd of August, he had the perfect compatibility. They would come for some check-ups in 3 months and then we needed to come back on the 2nd after Max's race in Hungary.

We were now on his jet and Em just fell asleep.

"I have two weeks left before the Italy race, do you mind if we go to Monaco to start setting everything up? I will invite my mom and Victoria next week to come to see me and we can surprise them" He says excitedly.

"I told my parents and they were relieved I was being kept away from Jos. But I wanted to get our things there and sort the birth certificate, to make it official for you" I say and his smile was the bigger I have seen in a while.

"We will be there today and tomorrow so we can do that, we will put all in suitcases and then start our life together in Monaco" He says and I put my hand on his as support and he smiles even bigger.

"Let's start this new chapter"

Those two days were a complete mess but the birth certificate was easy to change and her name was changed, we asked for all new documents in urgency and they gave them to us with a big fee applied but seeing Max's happiness I think it was worth it. When we got to Monaco I saw his apartment and gasped, it looked like an expensive penthouse, but Monaco is expensive.

"So you rent this?" I ask and he nods.

"We have like 4 bedrooms, I called a decorator to take care of her room when we were in the USA and they said 5 days were enough so it's done and for the other 2 guest bedrooms you can choose which one you want" He says calmly.

"I love the view, is this your personal gym?" I ask when I get to the balcony that allowed a beautiful view of the sea, I don't mind seeing this every day.

"Look mama, it's sooooooo pretty" She says and Max smiles.

"I train a lot in here, I will change it, sorry about it. It'a yours too baby" He says to me and then looks at Em.

"You don't neet to, you must love it, it's a good place to exercise, keep doing it here, I like it" I say and he nods.

"Mom, how is my name now?" She asks and I look at Max.

"Your name is Emilia Marie Bakker Verstappen. Do you like it?"

"I love it" She says and I smile.

The week was long, we had to buy some stuff, Max had taken care of all that was needed so we could live here legally and Monday came, Max went to get them at the airport and we waited at home watching TV.

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