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♪ Covered in scars and I can't help showin'
Whippin' in the foreign and the tears keep blowin' ♪

Max Verstappen POV

I got in contact with the hospital after dinner, they were ready to meet me after tomorrow so I also booked a hotel room close to the hospital.

"Hey, do you mind if I sleep here?" I ask and Lottie quickly smiles.

"Of course not, you know the house, get settled in darling" She says and looks at Mia and winks and when I look at her she looks away.

"We will leave tomorrow at 10 after breakfast, we will have lunch in the jet but it's fine. We will get there by dinner time. So let's have a good night of sleep" I say and Mia quickly nods.

"You can put her to sleep if you want, she chooses when she wants me to read an English or Dutch book. She is pretty much easy to get into bed, she will be sleeping by the end of the book" She says and I smile and Emilia comes, I still can't believe she's our daughter.

"Mama, can't you both put me to sleep? I finally have you two to be with me" She asks and I pick her up.

"Of course we can both go, we are here for you baby" She says and Emilia gets all happy, we go to her room and I let her choose the book she wanted, and then I put her in bed and cover her up.

I start reading her book and when I finish she had fallen asleep. I quietly stand home, put the book down, shut down the lights, and left the door open so she could come to us if she needed.

"Well, we have 3 rooms and she likes to sleep alone, we have my room or the couch. I would prefer that you slept in my room, it's a 10-hour flight and it's tiring" She says and I agree.

"We can sleep in the same room, there's no problem with it"

"Well, I will go take a shower, you can go ahead and get to sleep" She say and I agree, it was 10 pm.

While she was in the shower I changed into shorts and a t-shirt, which I normally wouldn't wear honestly. She gets out of the shower after somewhat drying her hair and I saw that the shirt she was wearing was clearly mine.

"Did you keep a lot of my stuff?" I ask and she looks down at her shirt and her face goes red.

"I'm sorry, I just... I did" She says basically giving up and laying by my side.

"It's okay, when I moved to Monaco I kept everything I had of you and ours, I took it to my new condo. I felt ridiculous for it but I had to"

"I felt the same, I left some of your clothes here but the others I took with me, I stole a perfume of yours and would put it sometimes and give it to Em and she would sleep in it"

"Was it hard? As a single mother?" I ask and I sincerely wanted to know but I was afraid how the answer would make me feel.

"I felt like shit until I had her in my arms, I was depressed and working full-time until she was born. I missed you, I knew you since I was born, you were my best friend and then my boyfriend of 5 years, I couldn't imagine life without you. But the moment I saw her I knew it was worth it, you were living the dream you worked hard for and I was protecting the best thing we both could've ever made" She says and I put my hand in hers.

"I'm here now, you both will never struggle again. You will never be alone again, I will make up for what you've been through" I say and she smiles.

"I don't need you to do that, I just want her to have her dad"

"I will be the best dad I can, when she is ready I would like her to come to meet Victoria and my mom, and her cousin" I say and she looks surprised.

"Victoria has a kid?"

"Yeah, he was born in December, his name is Luka" I say picking up my phone and showing her a photo to which she smiles.

"Of course she will meet the family and Em will like to watch your races, she watched it on tv sometimes," She says and I smile.

"That will be great then. Would you mind coming to live with me in Monaco? My father will never get a hold of you there" I notice she stopped to think and I get nervous, it was too much.

"Won't that be too much for you? You will have a daughter 24/7, I can find a job and rent an apartment there so you will have a break" She says and I notice she was worried.

"Don't get me wrong, if you need a break or your own time and space we can rent you a hotel room or what you want but I want a daughter 24/7, I want to learn how it is, because she is ours, if you did it alone we can do it together. We are a united front now" When I said it she smiled and hugged me.

"We will go with you, let's do this together"

"No pressure, we can live apart if you want, I can buy you a house or something, I just want you close to me and away from him" I said and she shakes her head.

"I would prefer being with you, less money spent and a good family opportunity for her, when you get a girlfriend or start dating again then I will probably have my life more sorted out" She says and I nod.

"It seems perfect to me, I will take care of everything from now on, don't worry. Let's get some rest" I say and we each turn back to each other and quickly fall asleep. Today is a day to remember.

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenWhere stories live. Discover now