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♫ I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights ♫

Mia Bakker POV

The day when they finally leave the hospital came and we went to the hotel. Max wanted to leave for Monaco that day so he could go back to his routine, which made sense because a week has gone by, and even though is summer break he still has a championship to fight for in 2 and a half weeks. We didn't have to come back because Max and Em were going to have weekly visits to a specialized doctor in Monaco that our doctor recommended.

We got on the plane and Em was sleeping as always. Max sat down and watched me as I talked to the plane crew about what they should eat on the trip. When I finally sit down I see him laugh and I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Are you gonna finally leave my side when we get to Monaco? You are treating me like I'm your son too" He says and we both laugh.

"Don't be stupid. I'm just taking care of you. Only if everything is done perfectly fine can you recover in time for the championship. Do you forget how much stress the races put on your body?" I ask and he raises his hands in innocence.

"Baby, I like it. I never said I didn't. I just wanna know if once we get to Monaco you are only gonna be concerned about Em" He says and I try to ignore the fact that he called me baby. I didn't want to think deeply into it.

"I'm gonna be concerned for you until the day you die. But yes, I'm still going to take care of you and be a pain in the ass. Don't worry" I say and he nods.

"Getting sick has just gotten way better" He says and I look at him seriously making him get quiet. "I'm just kidding"

"Are you really feeling good? The doctor said you were having an exceptional recovery. If it was for your recovery we would've been in Monaco like 3 days ago" I say and he laughs.

"I'm awesome just like that. What can I say?"

"Your ego is about to get bruised someday. Chill down" And when I say this both of us were already laughing.

"I missed this. I like having you back" He says resting his head and closing his eyes.

We talked sometimes during the flight and I kept myself awake for like 10 hours so I could know if they were okay. When we got home I was exhausted and basically gave Em a shower, took one myself, and ordered dinner.

"You should've slept a bit in the flight" Max says entering the kitchen while Em played a bit in the living room.

"I will sleep now. That way my schedule doesn't get all messed up. How are you feeling?" I ask while putting the plates on the table.

"I'm fine. That's the answer you will get every day, if I'm not I will immediately tell you. Tomorrow I will start working out again." He says while helping me.

"Go easy on yourself. Please" I say making a small pause knowing it was a hard thing to ask from him.

"I know, I don't want to be greedy and end up fucking it all up" He says and I feel relieved.

"It's good your ego isn't that high" I say and he calls Em to come to eat dinner.

We ate and then went to sleep. I woke up a few times and checked up on them, they looked good and their temperatures were close to mine so I just ended up going back to bed. When I woke up the next morning Max was doing his workout on the balcony. I did breakfast and Em woke up before it was done so she was talking to me about the show she was watching on the tv the last few days.

"It smells good" I hear Max's voice and he was shirtless and all sweaty. Oh, God. That remembers me really easily how Em was conceived. It's even more understandable now.

"Go take a quick shower. We will wait for you" I say and his smile gets wider and he leaves to his room.

He gets back and we eat breakfast. After that Em went to the living room while we cleaned up.

"Are you going to play on the simulator?" I ask and he nods.

"I will and by the end of the afternoon we could go for a walk. It's a nice day today" He says and I smile.

"It's a good idea. Go play and I will clean a bit before making our lunch" I say and he nods.

"Get some rest. I can call someone to clean this if you want" He says but I shake my head.

"I like it. It's relaxing"

"Fine by me. I will be in my room if you need me" He says when we finish cleaning and leaves.

While I was cleaning I hear a knock on the door so I went to open it only to find Kelly on the other side of the door.

"I can't believe you are here" She says looking pretty surprised.

"Hm, what are you doing here?" I ask confused at her sudden presence after like 4 months of not hearing from her after their breakup.

"I came to talk to Max. He came back to you?" She asks sounding offended.

"No! We have a daughter in common. We are just trying to co-parent the best we can" I say and her jaw basically drops.

"I can't believe this. You trapped him with the child you had with him years ago? Do you want his money? This is even crazier than I thought. He deserves way better than you but nobody could ever live up to the standard you put. And you aren't even that special" She says and I feel my anxiety get through the roof but I try to hold myself. I wasn't going to shed tears in front of her.

"I don't want his money. I was here way before the money and the fame. You should know it. I was here way before people knew who he is. I'm here since day one" I say and she laughs.

"Then why are you preventing him from moving on? Why can't you live somewhere else? Do you want to keep track of who goes in and out of his bed?" She asks with a disgusted look.

"I'm here for my daughter. Max is free to do whatever he wants" I say and she laughs.

"You are a poor excuse of a person" She says and I was pretty pissed off at this point.

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