ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 35

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♪ So many things I'd rather say
But for now, it's goodbye ♪

Mia Bakker POV

The next few days went fine, both families were together and appreciating it. I helped Victoria with the newborn because sometimes she was struggling. She was a nerve-wreck.

"What if I fail as a mother?" She asks me as I was putting the little one to sleep after the oldest was already sleeping for a few minutes now.

"You are doing just fine. Having a newborn is stressful, I can't imagine having a one-year-old and a newborn. We are here for you" I say and she smiles relieved.

"I just want to be a good mom, I don't want to neglect one for the other" She says and I sit beside her.

"You are doing great, sometimes one will need you more than the other so don't feel bad for giving one of them more attention, you are human and it's pretty hard to divide our attention perfectly all the time. Anytime you need just call me or Max and I will come" I say hugging her and I honestly feel what she is saying because I am also scared of what will happen once the baby comes.

"You are the best, I missed you so much. When you left it felt like the whole world fell apart. Max was completely broken, the love of his life was gone, you were my best friend so I felt really lonely for a long time. Mom felt like she lost a daughter because she adored you as one. It was really hard. I'm so glad you are back, and I'm really happy that Max has you back and he has Emilia, it's all he ever needed and wanted" She says clearly emotional.

"I love you all too, it wasn't easy but I'm back and I don't plan on leaving so soon. Don't worry" I say and we leave the boys' room and go into the living room.

Everyone was on the couch watching the Christmas movie that was going on, dinner was done with and tomorrow is the day for opening gifts. In the Netherlands, Christmas is more celebrated on the 25t and 26th so that's what we got used to doing. We finished watching the movie and we all brought the gifts inside so that when Em woke up she would see them. We were quiet and careful.

We all went to sleep and I feel a huge weight on top of me, as soon as I open my eyes I see Emilia excitedly trying to wake us up at 8 in the morning.

"Mom! Dad! It's time to open the gifts, Santa brought them" She says happily as we sat down.

"Of course princess, just come here" He says hugging her so she would stop putting all her weight on me and I try not to laugh.

We tried to put our hair straight with our hands and went into the living room as gifts were being opened.

"What's this? I already opened gifts from you" Sophie says picking up the gift of the pregnancy reveal, we put them at the back, my parents were also picking theirs up and so was Victoria.

"Mom, this doesn't fit me. Is this for Luka or Lio?" Em asks confusedly with the babygrow in her hand, the letters were turned to us so she didn't even read.

"Oh My God!" Victoria says as soon as she reads Em's babygrow says.

It said "I love my big sister". Em turns it around and almost immediately starts crying.

"Am I going to have a baby?" She asks coming in our direction and I hug her.

"Yes, mom is pregnant darling" I say and I see Sophie and Victoria hugging Max.

"Auntie was right, this is the best gift ever" She says happily as my parents hugged me.

"I'm happy for you baby" My mom says already crying.

"Thank you for bringing another little angel to our lives" My dad says as his hand was on my unexistent belly and I let out a laugh.

"I promise you will all be able to watch this pregnancy from beginning to end. I'm still only 6 weeks pregnant so it's all very early" I say as Max hugs me with a huge smile.

"I couldn't keep it a secret anymore. This was eating me inside" He says and everyone lets out a laugh.

"I can see it on your face, you were dying to tell it" His mom says laughing.

I think the next half an hour everyone was still surprised by the pregnancy, I am still surprised too. I sat down and watched as everyone talked. I haven't shared my worries, I know Jos won't give up, I saw the way he talked to me 6 years ago, and I know he will kill me as soon as he finds me.

I don't know if Max understands how much this has turned from "protecting" him to revenge. Jos is not looking for Max's wins anymore, Max is already doing good. He now wants to fix his bruised ego, and I bruised it. I kept his talented son away from him in the year he finally won. He wants me gone for good, he won't give up.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even feel Max sitting next to me and putting his arm on my shoulders.

"Is everything okay? You have been here thinking for some time now" He says clearly concerned.

"I'm fine, I'm happy" I say and he smiles, he doesn't believe me.

"Now tell me what is bothering you. I will make it better" He says and I shrug.

"Nothing, I was just feeling really nauseous and then I felt hungry and was thinking if it was worth the risk" I say and he laughs.

"Go eat something, I doubt you will throw up. I will help you if you do" He says as he got up so we could go to the table where the snacks were.

I decided to throw that thought away even if it was just for today. We had a good day. I couldn't ask for better. And I hope my instinct was wrong.

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