ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 33

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♪ I'm packin' my bags that I didn't unpack the last time
I'm sayin', "See you again, " so many times, it's becoming my tagline♪

Mia Bakker POV

I think the expression on Max's face was scaring me. This is not what I expected. I hoped for anger or disappointment in the worst scenario. In the best scenario, he would jump around in happiness and hug me like he just won the jackpot. He just stood there in shock as I told him I was expecting our second child.

"Is this a prank? I swear to God-" He asks looking around and stopping himself.

"It's real Max, I did a few pregnancy tests last week" I say and his face finally lights up, he has an even bigger smile than when he won the championship.

He hugs me and spins me around before putting me down, looking me in the eyes and kissing me like it was the last. I felt it. He wasn't mad, he wasn't disappointed, he was happy and I wanted it so bad.

"I can finally be here from the beginning. I can finally go to ultrasounds and watch his birth, wake up at night, cleaning puke and dirty diapers. I can see him taking his first steps and talking. I can do it all" He says with tears in his eyes while I just nodded. I wanted it all.

"You can do it all, beginning to end" I say and his tears finally roll down his face as he wiped them.

"It's freezing here, let's go inside" He says when he calmed down.

"I wasn't going to run away or whatever, I wanted to tell everyone on Christmas day" I say and he nods.

"I know you weren't going to run away. I just expected anything but this. I am so fucking happy. Today is the best day of my life. I completed one of my biggest dreams of being a champion and proving people wrong. And then I am going to be a dad, again, with the woman I love so fucking much. What more can I want?" He says proudly and my smile couldn't be wider.

"Today is your day. I won't deny that. You are the best driver and you are the best father. And the best partner of course" I say wrapping my arms around his neck as he prepared to get in.

"I love you so much, I would give it all up just for you. I don't know how you do it but keep doing it. I want to keep falling even more in love with you every day" He says and finally kisses me as passionately as before, if this was our hotel room we would be taking it much further.

"I love you too, more than words can express it. Can we keep this quiet so we can tell everyone during Christmas?" I ask and he nods happily as he opened the door so I could get inside.

The rest of the night it was basically Max keeping everyone distracted so they couldn't see he was the one drinking my drinks.

"What did you want me to tell Max?" I ask when I'm left alone with Carola as they went to sing at the karaoke machine.

"About the pregnancy, I saw some things that made me realize you were expecting but I didn't mean it in a way for you to tell him now or something. I'm sorry if I ruined it. I just meant that I thought he would like to know so you should tell him" She says nervously and I let out a laugh.

"It's fine, he already knows. I am not mad, I just took it the wrong way, and Max too in some way. Can you just not tell anyone? I planned to tell our families at Christmas and maybe tell the world in New Year or something" I say and she quickly nods.

"Of course, I won't tell anyone, it's your thing to tell about. A baby is a big thing to tell people about. I'm really happy for you too, I love seeing Max this happy after so many years barely holding on" She says and I get closer to her so I could give her a hug.

"Thank you for being so nice" I say and she nods while hugging me, as the guys were heading back I went to my place and Max put his arm on my shoulders pulling me closer.

"I wanna go to the hotel. I'm wasted and my energy has been completely drained" He says in a tired voice and I nod.

"I will call us a taxi. But I hope you have some energy left to celebrate with me" I whisper in his ear and his eyes widen while a smirk appeared on his face.

"Oh, baby. I always have energy for you" He says way more woken up and I laugh.

"Are you leaving too?" I ask seeing Sergio was as tired as Max and they nod. I call two cabs so Carola wouldn't have to do it too and they get here pretty fast.

"Do you know how far along you are?" He asks as we walked through the hallway.

"No, I wanted to do the ultrasound with you by my side. I guess I'm probably in the second or third month" I say and he smiles even more.

"Our family is growing. I can't believe I got this lucky. What could be better than this?" He asks drunkenly and continues walking while I opened our door. I run to him, grab his arm and make him follow me so he could enter the room.

"You are way too drunk, let's go get a quick shower" I say and he nods taking his clothes off more quickly than usual. He tripped while he took his jeans off and I laughed until I almost cried because he seemed so confused about why it happened.

The shower was quick but enough to sober him a little bit. We got into bed and I thought he would fall asleep and he did after we made out for a bit, and so did I honestly. On the next morning, we finally celebrated as we should have and went to have lunch with our parents, yes, lunch because it was 1 PM. Everyone smiled when they saw us and Emilia ran to Max's arms.

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