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♫ You say it's too late to make it
But is it too late to try? ♫

Mia Bakker POV

The weekend went by fast, the race had just finished and Max won. Emilia hugged me and started jumping around and the team was celebrating. He stopped the car, got out and after the weighting he looked around, kneeled down and I see her running to his arms. Photos were being taken like crazy. He looked at me, and opened his free arm, I look around and see Christian nodding. I go ahead and hug him too.

"Thank you for coming back" He whispers in my ear.

"Go do what you have to do, we will eat something" I say after a few seconds and he nods, he gives Em a kiss on her forehead before he gave her into my arms and I went inside.

After an hour or more he appears at the hospitality and smiles.

"Hey, let me just get something to eat really quick" He says coming to our table.

"I brought you something already, sit here" I say and he smiles widely and sits by my side.

"Thank you" He says while he prepared to start eating and I see Christian appear.

"It went good today, after the disaster the practices were and having a third on qualifying I thought it was going to go worse. Congratulations again" He says and Max smiles.

"Thank you, I had to do a good job. They are watching me now" He says and we all laugh.

"You should make a post or something, people are realizing that she is Mia and Em clearly looks like you two" He says and Max nods.

"I will get to it, thank you" He says and Christian nods gives us a smile, and leaves.

"Are you going to announce it now?" I ask and he nods.

"I have to, it will be hard enough to explain a five-year-old, I don't want her to be a secret. Can you send me the pictures you took these days?" He asks and I cough, he saw me?

"I didn't know you saw me taking pics" I say nervously.

"Of course I did. You always liked to capture everything" He says and I smile and send him the pics.

"I'm going to post it now" He says and I nod. I tried to resist but when he went with Em to get more water I picked up my phone and I saw people were talking about it already.

 I tried to resist but when he went with Em to get more water I picked up my phone and I saw people were talking about it already

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"People are commenting more than usual" He says sitting down and I put my phone down.

"It looks like they are" I say and he laughs.

"Don't let it affect you, it's better like this, people would eventually know. Let them make the conspiracies they want. I will protect you two" He says and I nod.

"I know you will, I am not used to this anymore" I say and he puts his arm around my waist.

"Can I be honest?" He asks and I shrug, why not?

"That's the point right?" I say and he laughs.

"I missed you all these years. I'm happy to have you and Em now" He says and I smile.

"Me too, I'm happy she can finally have family and know a lot more people" I say and I smile too.

"Mommy, daddy! When are we going home?" Em says appearing after talking with Perez for the last 2 minutes we were alone.

"Tomorrow baby, why?" Max answers. She looks happy and just shrugs.

"I just wanted to know" She says and we look at each other, deciding it wasn't important.

Being at his side again was bittersweet, I will always love him, maybe that's why it's hard for me. I had no closure because I knew I wasn't being truthful when I ended it all. He moved on, he loved someone else, I am the mother of his child and I know my place. I won't overstep myself, we will be friends like we were before being boyfriend and girlfriend, but it will probably be hard seeing him with someone else, as soon as he decides to have a girlfriend I will move out.

Time with him started to go by so fast that when I noticed the race in Hungary was done. Max got 9th place, maybe he was nervous, I wouldn't blame him. We have to travel to the United States today and they will have the surgery tomorrow, I'm a nervous wreck but I'm pretending to be calm for Em. She had some relapses and Max's help really made it easier to deal with, they had a bond I had never seen. She was daddy's girl no doubt.

"Come here" He says when we get on his jet and makes a sign for me to sit by his side, Em was sleeping even though we just got here, she fell asleep right after taking off.

It's 8 pm, we are supposed to get there at 7 am but there's a 6-hour difference which means we get there at 1 am in the morning. Travelling is fucking hard.

"Are you okay?" I ask confused after sitting at his side. Why did he want me at his side?

"No, I'm nervous and I know you are too so let's be nervous together" He says with a small smile and I smile too.

"Makes sense. I shouldn't be nervous, I'm not the one giving half of my liver to her but I just want it to go well, we just got to be a family, I don't want this to go downhill, I don't want to be negative but I'm scared" I say with tears in my eyes, I'm afraid of complications even though it's a pretty safe operation, with little known complications in that hospital.

"You are a mother, of course you are worried. I'm not even nervous for me, I'm nervous for her" He says hugging me and I hug him back.

"I hope we never have to do this again. I know that she can live 20 or more years with the new liver but I don't want to go through this again" I say and he grabs my cheeks and makes me look him in the eyes.

"She won't need it and if she does I will give it to her no matter how many times" He says and I nod.

"We will be okay" I say trying to think positively.

"We will" He says and I lay my head on his shoulder quickly falling asleep.

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