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♬ And every time I close my eyes, and kiss him
Every time I feel his hands on my skin
I, I wish it was you ♬

Mia Bakker POV

We went into Max's car and they went into the other car. We drove to the restaurant and got in the restaurant, while we were waiting I felt Max's hand on mine, I knew what he meant so I let him intertwine our hands and we were quickly taken to our table. We sat down and ordered pretty quickly.

"So what happened after you left the kitchen? You seemed out of this world. You weren't even listening to us, and you even forgot we had reservations" Vic says curious on what could've happened and I shrug.

"I am fine now, I was just taken aback then. I got it all straighten out now" I say and Sophie nods.

"Is that why you and dad are holding hands? You are showing in public you are a couple?" Em asks and I take a deep breath.

"Emilia! You can't-" Max starts saying but I make him stop.

"Mom and dad are a couple, that is true. Now, you don't have to tell people what mom and dad do, or don't do. That is personal" I say and she nods giving me a huge smile.

"You are prettier together" She says happily.

"So, you are a couple now uh?" Sophie asks surprised.

"Well, it's all new to me too" Max says a bit confused but I see the smirk he had on his face.

"I'm glad one of you admitted it before we left" Tom says making us laugh.

"Not everything needs to have a title. It's easier for her to understand if we are clearer, it's confusing for her, all of this" I say and Sophie nods.

"You are both doing the best you can and you are doing pretty good. Don't worry about it and don't beat yourselves over it. Enjoy it now while she is a kid because teenagers are something close to hell" Sophie says and I let out a laugh.

"It will be definitely hard when she grows up" I say fearing for my life when it gets to that point. With this attitude she will definitely be hard to deal with.

"So, can I call you my girlfriend again or do I have to make the official proposal like I did 10 years ago?" He whispers and I let out a laugh.

"We don't need all that, let's just see how it goes but yes, you can call me your girlfriend if you want. I won't mind" I say and his smile widens.

"Well then, hello there my pretty girlfriend" He says and a smile immediately appears.

"Shut up. Listen to what they are talking" I say and he nods entering the conversation pretty easily.

The dinner went well and it was all delicious, we talked and they told us their plans for the future, seeing that Victoria and Tom wouldn't be able to come to Abu Dhabi since the second kid was supposed to come too closer to the date and it wasn't safe, even if he was born before they need to wait at least a month before flying. Sophie would come to Abu Dhabi, and my parents too, and we would see how it went. After that, Netherlands here we go.

Max was excited to go back to racing and traveling. The next day we took them to the airport, I changed the sheets on the beds and took care of the house while Max trained and Em watched some television and played with her things. Brad, Max's performance coach, came every morning and Max met with the doctor who, thankfully, said he was in great shape and could do whatever he wanted.

Em was also in good shape and they both were almost fully recovered from the surgery itself. Max spent the next week and half training long hours and we were together at nights. We are heading to Belgium tomorrow and I'm nervous. I am in my room wondering if he is putting a tough face and suffering or if he really okay. I slept with him that week and he was fine, he didn't complain but Max can be stubborn and he doesn't like people worrying about him.

"Max. Can I get in?" I ask slowly opening his door because it was almost midnight and I couldn't sleep for the last hour because I wanted to make sure he was alright.

"You can always get in" I hear him say and see him sitting on the bed after he turned the light on his bedstand on.

"Are you really okay? You don't feel any pain? No side effect? It is really weird most people take months to recover and you will be driving a car at dangerous velocities in a month." I say sitting on the bed and he gives me a smile.

"I am fine. I took care of myself and I went back to training as soon as I felt I had to. I am not going to put my life at risk. If I wasn't ready I would tell you" He says putting his hand on mine.

"Did you confirm with the FIA about the medications you take and the surgery?" I ask and he lets out a laugh.

"I did that months ago. They gave me permission for all of this. I am clear to run this weekend and I will be just fine, I won't let you and Em lose me" He says giving me a smile.

"Well, I hope you are not lying or I will come after you if you feel bad during practices or if I found out a single lie came out of that pretty mouth" I say and he smirks.

"Do you think my mouth is pretty? I for sure think yours is gorgeous" He says getting closer and I smile.

"Come here" I say starting to kiss him.

Before I would go any further I looked to see if I closed the door, and thank god I did because I know the look Max gave me and I know this won't be just a kiss like the other times.

I Fall Apart ♢ Max VerstappenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon