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♪Oh, but you know the truth, I'd rather hold you
Than this mobile in my hand ♪

Mia Bakker POV

Everything was going fine, the pregnancy news quickly became known by fans but they were pretty chill about it all. We are now in Italy, it's the end of April and I'm 6 months pregnant, so my belly is too apparent right now. Emilia loves Italy, I love the food honestly. I was in the paddock watching as Max left qualifying after getting first place.

"How is our little boy doing?" Max asks gently putting his hand on my belly as he kisses me and we both feel the baby kick.

"Pretty good" I say as we both let out a laugh and he kisses Em's forehead.

"Go to the hospitality if this is too chaotic" He says and I nod.

"Don't worry, go do what you have to do baby. Love you" I say and he smiles giving me a quick kiss before heading out with Sergio. Victoria was there to keep me company, Tom was there too but he stayed at the hotel so the babies wouldn't be seen.

"Did Max left already?" Victoria asks as she appeared after going to the bathroom.

"Like 2 minutes ago he was here but he will be back quickly" I say and she smiles.

"Do you prefer to go to the hospitality? Maybe wait in his room so nobody can stress you" She says as people started moving around and I nodded, the paddock was full, and the walk to the hospitality was causing me anxiety and I don't even know why, I've been to races who were more crowded last year but being pregnant puts my anxiety on high levels.

"I'm glad we finally got here, I was feeling anxious, and now I'm nauseous" I say sitting down on Max's bed.

"Do you want to get Max? Are you feeling okay? Do you want some water?" She asks worriedly and I shake my head.

"I'm fine, I just need to lay down for a bit and get some rest, I'm not made to be up all day anymore, this baby is too heavy, Em was not this heavy" I say and she nods.

"I will take Em to eat something and you will rest a bit, when Max comes I will tell him you are here" She says and I lay down on the bed, take my shoes off and let out a deep breath.

I feel like I'm going to throw up at any second by now. I try to close my eyes, but I felt sick. Maybe I should stay home from now on, this is getting hard and Max has been nagging me about resting, I'm stubborn and thought I could handle it but it has become a challenge and I will stay in our house. Max will have to travel to the Netherlands whenever there's a two-week break or when races are close by.

I stayed there to decompress a little bit and suddenly I hear the door opening and see a worried Max there.

"What are you feeling? Vic said you were feeling sick" He says and I slowly sit on the bed as he got closer and kneeled down so he could watch me closely.

"I'm just nauseous, I got anxious with so many people around, I felt like I was being suffocated. It will pass. Maybe after this weekend it will be better that I stay home with our families close by" I say and he nods.

"We should go to the hotel, you need to eat something light and get some sleep to see if the nausea goes away" He says and I get up as he held my hand tightly.

"I can walk Max, I'm not in that bad of a state. It's normal to be nauseous, I just feel like I want to throw up but I can't" I say and he nods as we got to Vic and Em.

"Let's go get some rest" Victoria says and we all agree.

We left and Max took some pictures and autographed things on his way to the rented car, Vic and I went ahead with Em in front of us leading the way. I ate soup because I could handle nothing else and took a quick shower because I started to feel dizzy. I lay on the bed and Max comes back into the room after Em was ready to sleep in the adjacent room to ours, only a door separated us and it felt safer.

"I will take a quick shower, call me if you need anything. If you are like this tomorrow I will take you to the doctor" He says and I nod giving him a quick kiss and he leaves for the bathroom.

"Will you be able to live without me?" I ask when he lies down by my side.

"I will be lonely but it's for the best. We can facetime and we can go through it together. I will go back home as much as I can" He says while running his hands through my hair.

"I know, I will try to sleep. I love you" I say hugging him and he hugs me back.

"I love you Mia. Wake me up if you feel worse. I don't care about anything else" He says and I nod closing my eyes.

I took a little time to fall asleep while he was running his hand through my hair and my belly but it helped and I fell asleep. I started having nightmares, I was having sleep paralysis, I couldn't wake up and I couldn't move. I feel myself getting sweaty and a sharp pain in my abdomen, this was getting too real for me.

Hello everyone! I wish you all a happy new year!
I hope you are all alright and as a gift I decided to post the most voted history which was Charles' history called Missing You.
The first chapter is now posted and I hope you all like it.
Thank you so much for making 2022 so amazing, your support meant the world to me! If there's anything you need send a private message or comment!
Love you all ❤️

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