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❀As white as the moon, but she grips the phantom of damages❀

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As white as the moon, but she grips the phantom of damages

🥀•P R O L O G U E•🥀

« As white as the moon, she shines so bright,
A beacon of hope in the darkest night.
But deep within, she grips the phantom of damages,
A pain so real, it's hard to manage.

She walks with grace, as if nothing's wrong,
But inside she's fighting, so very strong.
For though the world may try to bring her down,
She stands tall, with a silent crown.

Her heart beats true, with a fire so bright,
A spirit that's free, with wings to take flight.
And though the phantom of damages may try to hold her back,
She breaks free, with a courage that's hard to match.

So let us learn from her, this shining light,
A symbol of hope, in the darkest night.
For as white as the moon, she may be,
But her spirit is as strong as the mightiest sea.

Still, she stands, with a beauty so rare,
A rose in bloom, beyond compare.
For though the world may change and shift,
Her radiance remains, a constant gift.

Forever my rose, my beauty so bright,
A symbol of love, in the darkest night.
For as long as I live, I will cherish thee,
My heart, my soul, forever free.

So let us hold hands, and never let go,
As we journey through life, together we'll grow.
For still and forever, my rose beauty,
You are the one, who completes me »

• H I S   R O S E   B E A U T Y •
His addiction

•She was beautiful, she had the eyes he got drowned to, they were hazel and he always had a thing for hazel gaze. Then again her lips were full, soft, and welcoming him to taste just once if possible. She was a muse he couldn't deny. A confusing dream he couldn't imply. She was beautiful without even trying. She didn't need expensive clothes to display her magnificence. Because she was beautiful. By everything she had.

•And she was his Beauty...

•When he first saw her, her hands clutched those white and pink roses that very much matched her skin and lips.

•The surrounding was crowded, too crowded yet she was alone. She was like the pale white moon which had many stars by her side but none was her match to be made.

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