Chapter 48 | Me beside you

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❀In the love ballad of existence, love blossoms like a rare flower❀

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In the love ballad of existence, love blossoms like a rare flower

🌹•Chapter Forty-Eight•🌹

Y/N rested her head on her husband's bare chest as they lay tangled in silk sheets, illuminated by moonlight filling the room.

"Jungkook?" she called, her sweet and sultry voice filling the silence in the room.

"Yes, my baby doll," he whispered back.

"When will Jihun leave our lives?" she asked with a sigh.

"I'm tired of him, I don't want to see him, this palace was filled with our moments and happy life and now every corner of this palace has his smell in it ruining every memory I have with you, Mom, Dad, and Julie," she said in a low tone.

"We will get rid of him, baby. Soon. But if you're going to feel weak in his presence, what's the use of all this? I want you to be strong, strong for our baby and me so that when you confront him about everything he did to you, you won't be weak or faint like you always do," he said, his hand continuing to caress her naked back, helping her relax in his arms.

"Stop teasing me about the fainting" she whined pinching his chest "You even fainted when we came to your house for matchmaking remember how you saw me and the next moment you fainted in my arms," he chuckled only to earn a whack on his chest.

"That only happens to me, when my anxiety is at its peak or when I am suddenly shocked," she blubbered.

"Okay, baby, okay I believe you my beauty," he laughed kissing her hair pleased to smell the soft scent of floral mixed with his burning mint cologne.

"And what will happen after he's gone?" she raised a question after a moment of peaceful silence.

"What do you mean, my love?"

"I mean... I mean Black Iris," she stammered, licking her lips. "I mean, do you want me to go to a psychiatrist?" she mumbled, exhaling sharply.

"What are you implying to Jeon Y/N?"

"You brought up this topic before, but I was too angry at that time. But now, I want to talk about it. Do you want me to go to a psychiatrist after Jihun is gone? I can ask the doctor to help with my Dissociative Identity Disorder if possible." she nervously bit her bottom lip, she remembered the last time when she went to the doctor to cure her DID, but she said that it was no longer possible as her mind and already accepted the personality which has been built due to all the trauma she went through, but that was almost seven to eight years ago maybe now there could be a cure for this disorder.

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