Chapter 53 | Painful Deja vu

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❀And the beast, starved of air, found breath only in the presence of his beauty❀

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And the beast, starved of air, found breath only in the presence of his beauty

🌹•Chapter Fifty-Three•🌹

In a frantic rush, Jungkook was about to leave the floor when Taehyung, panting and out of breath, managed to stop him in his tracks.

"Jungkook," Taehyung called, his voice urgent.

"Not now, Tae. I'm dealing with an emergency. The hideout is on fire, the electric breaker is broken. These foolish guards have no clue what's happening. I'm certain Jihun is behind this. The cameras aren't working either," Jungkook hurriedly explained, making his way towards the staircase with Taehyung following closely behind.

"Jungkook, Y/N is missing!" Taehyung yelled, standing behind him and watching as Jungkook abruptly halted his steps, turning around with a frown, struggling to process Taehyung's words.

"What do you mean, missing?" Jungkook asked, panic creeping into his voice.

"The guards said that Y/N went from the flower shop to her mother's house. After an hour, when they didn't see her coming out, they went to ask Aunt Lin about Y/N. But she said Y/N had already left through the back door long ago. I received a call from the guards. She's not at the flower shop, not at her mother's home, nor in the palace," Taehyung clarified, his concern evident.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. "Shit, Black Iris," he muttered, his realization hitting him like a wave. He sprinted down the stairs, with Taehyung closely following, now understanding who could have orchestrated the fire at the hideout.

A sense of terror gripped Jungkook's heart as he ran. A foreboding feeling settled within him, whispering that something was terribly wrong. His footsteps trembled with each stride, but he somehow managed to reach the ground floor within seconds.

As everyone bowed in deference upon seeing the mafia king, Jungkook paid them no heed, rushing through the back door of the headquarters towards the secret hideout where they had kept Jihun hidden for months.

His heart raced, and a tightness gripped his throat, constricting like a wired rope. Jungkook sprinted down the darkened hallway of cells, his footsteps echoing in the silence. As he reached the spot where Jihun had been held captive, his worst fears materialized—the cell was empty.

Pushing through the gathered guards, he frantically searched for any sign of his wife. His eyes widened in terror as he spotted her in the arms of one of the guards, who was attempting to rouse her by patting her cheeks.

"Sir Jeon, we are sorry. Jihun escaped! We found the queen like this," one of the guards explained, prompting Jungkook to deliver a harsh, resounding slap across his face.

"Fools! Incompetent fools!" he bellowed at them, his voice laced with rage and desperation.

His eyes filled with horror, Jungkook forcefully pushed the guard aside and cradled his unconscious wife in his arms.

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