Chapter 41 | The Beast n' the Devil

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❀The Devil and the Beast; a clash of malevolence and primal power— Fight in the shadows❀

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The Devil and the Beast; a clash of malevolence and primal power— Fight in the shadows

🥀•Chapter Forty-One•🥀

He entered Jeon Palace, a grand and imposing structure. As he walked through its halls, he couldn't help but admire the strength of its walls. This empire, known as the Jeon Empire, was now under his control. He desired this life that was handed to him easily, like a gift on a silver tray. He was the true owner of it all and he craved it.

His sole purpose in entering the palace was to dismantle the Jeon family's legacy and establish his own. His ambition knew no bounds. He longed to sit upon the throne of the mafia king, exerting his dominance over everyone. He wanted every individual to bow before him and show their reverence by kissing his feet.

With a sly smile, he whispered, "Let the game begin," as he stepped further into the lavishly decorated palace. His eyes scanned the surroundings, observing the embellishments of flowers, lights, and candles.

It was a grand celebration indeed.

Then he noticed the entire crowd cheering for Jungkook, who was celebrating his birthday.

Envy and hatred filled his eyes as he sluggishly made his way through the people, pushing past them. Just as Jungkook was about to feed someone a piece of cake, he reached out and grabbed Jungkook's hand, interrupting the gesture.

Their eyes locked, and there was a tangible clash of intense gazes. One had a menacing aura, like a wild beast, while the other exuded a sinister energy, like a devil. The only similarity between them was their dark and dangerous presence. They continued to stare into each other's souls, issuing a silent challenge.

The crowd stood in stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the unsettling scene unfolding before them. A hushed anticipation filled the air as they witnessed the encounter. "Happy birthday to me as well," he proclaimed, his voice carrying a deep and ominous tone that seemed to echo through the space, akin to the sound bouncing off the walls of a cave filled with bats.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he recognized the familiar figure before him. However, he displayed no surprise at the presence of this forbidden man. "Jihun," he hissed, his voice a blend of anger and defiance.

A raised eyebrow conveyed a silent challenge, symbolizing a long-standing battle of wills that had been brewing beneath the surface for an extended period of time.

"Y/N," someone gasped, their voice filled with concern, as if sensing the imminent turmoil that would disrupt their lives.

Jungkook swiftly turned around and saw his wife, unconscious in Yoongi's arms. Without a moment's hesitation, he hurried over and embraced Y/N with his strong arms.

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