Chapter 38 | Beside the pristine shores

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❀For love had transformed him into a force that would stop at nothing— The flames of vengeance❀

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For love had transformed him into a force that would stop at nothing— The flames of vengeance

🥀•Chapter Thirty-Eight•🥀

Y/N's tears and sobs made it difficult for her to speak, but she managed to whisper, "You... you hate me for being Black Iris. No matter how much you try to hide it, you still fucking hate me, and now you're ashamed of me." Her words pierced Jungkook's heart, and he could hear the pain in her broken voice and see the tears streaking down her face, mixing with the raindrops.

"No, I don't," Jungkook protested, genuine anguish in his voice. However, Y/N was unable to hear his plea. Her anguish overflowed, and her voice grew louder. "You do hate me, Jeon Jungkook!" she screamed, her pain echoing through the storm.

"And if you don't hate me already, you will start hating me when you find out that I was fucking raped!"

The words tore through the air, leaving a chilling silence in their wake.

Jungkook stood frozen, shocked to his core. His eyes widened as if his whole world had crumbled in an instant. He didn't know how to react or process the weight of what she had just revealed. He looked at her face, streaked with tears, and could see the immense pain she carried. She had endured a terrible trauma, and he had been completely unaware of her silent suffering all this time.

"Y/N?" he called out softly, his voice barely audible. His eyes turned red with an unknown rage towards the person who had harmed his wife. Before he could fully comprehend or respond to the information, his wife crumpled to the ground, her body broken and limp, overcome by sobs.

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat as he knelt beside her, his heart filled with guilt, compassion, and love. Carefully, he gathered her shaking body into his arms, seeking to offer comfort and support.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as Y/N's cries eventually quieted down, her body growing still in his embrace. Worry etched deep lines on his face as Jungkook held her close, his heart heavy with concern.

He pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, desperately hoping that when she woke up, they could face their demons together and heal the wounds that had been exposed in the pouring rain.

As the rain continued to fall relentlessly from the dark sky, the mafia king found himself filled with a newfound determination. Holding his wife's fragile form in his arms, he began walking towards the direction of his parked car.

With great care, he laid her down on the comfortable backseat, making sure she was comfortable before closing the door with a firm click.

His steps quickened, driven by a palpable urgency, as he made his way to the driver's seat. The cool and smooth leather upholstery welcomed him, offering a contrast to his clammy skin. His fingers trembled slightly as started the car with a quiet rumble that reverberated through the vehicle.

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