Chapter 32 | Echoes in her tears

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❀The flames of resilience burn brightest❀

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The flames of resilience burn brightest

🥀•Chapter Thirty-Two•🥀

The worker hurriedly entered the dark shadowed room, the room filled with nothing but the smell of a sinister aura in his wake. His hunched figure exuded an air of malevolence as he bowed before his superior, a wicked gleam in his eyes.

"I got it, boss," he chanted in a twisted victory, "I got the pictures of the mafia queen" he announced, his voice laced with a venomous satisfaction as he was the only successful person to come until here alive with the evidence against the Jeon Empire.

"Show me what you got" said his superior in a thick voice laced in Busan accent.

His worker nodded his head in excitement as he rushed towards the desk near his boss and he thrust the pen drive into the awaiting laptop, the soft hum of technology filling the room.

The dark man, his face partially hidden in the shadows, displayed a macabre fascination as he leaned back, resting his chin on his hand. His piercing gaze fixated upon the screen, where a multitude of pictures unfolded before him.

"These are the mafia queen's lastest pictures boss. Even though there was so much security I paid one of the maids to get me these" he muttered his voice eager and happy as he waited for the reward promised by his boss to him.

With each image that flickered into view, his boss's anger intensified, a smoldering flame threatening to consume him. "You fool," he hissed, his voice dripping with danger, his eyes narrowing into slits.

"I... I got what you wanted boss" he stuttered gulping hard as he looked around "no one was able to make it alive but I did with the evidence of the queen, which not everybody has seen. This is the mafia queen" he muttered in stammering tone.

The worker, trembling under the weight of his superior's wrath, the dark man clicked his tongue against his lips as he kept looking at the feminine figure, lose wavy brunette locks a slender frame yet this all wasn't enough. This never will be enough "There is no proper click of the Jeon's bride's face," he screeched, his voice fluttering with danger.

"Boss this is the closest you can get because now the queen doesn't even comes in the headquarters and the king is quite possessive about her security now a days" one of the workers merged in.

The dark man's fury surged, his patience waning as he kept looking at the petite girl's frame, yet a twisted smile played upon his lips, a sinister revelation taking hold of his devilish mind.

"Well, well," he chuckled, a sound that echoed with malicious intent. "I may not have her face, but that won't stop me from my purpose." he sighed laughing out loud his deep voice echoing through out the walls of the dark space.

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