Chapter 5 - Alex - Let's Go For A Lorry Ride!

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Dreams are the strangest things in the world. One moment you're fighting a Chimera and you spear it down to the ground and the next moment the dead Chimera starts talking. Has that ever happened to you? No? Nevermind then.

Anyway, this Chimera was lying dead in my dream, almost turning to sand, when the huge lion paw fell on my shoulder painfully, and it's mouth moved, "Kid! Kid! Wake up! Wake up!" And then I heard the background music. Rock songs were playing behind me, and I blinked stupidly for a few seconds, staring right into the lion's face, and it faded into a large human head.

"Kid! You alright?" the head asked, and I blinked more confusedly as the background faded from a closed arena into green trees and blue sky. "Whatcha doin' here?" it asked, and I realised that I was awake, and staring into a man's eyes.

I sat up quickly. "What time is it?" I whispered.

"Round six in the morning," he said, his face still looking concerned. "Whatcha doin' here?"

The man was tall, and he was clean shaven. He had a strong figure and he wore a large oversized orange jacket and his composure made me feel like trusting him. His hair was brushed back once upon a time, but now it was messy. He was young, around his late 20s and he was so handsome it made me wonder what he was doing in a truck.

"Uh," I began. "Got lost," I said, mimicing his thick British accent.

The man looked at me for a while. "Got a name?"

"Alex," I replied. I didn't want people knowing my full name and writing down articles about me on papers.

"Know where you're from, Alex?"

"The nearest town from here?" I guessed. "I- um.. came for a run."

"You mean Wareham?" he asked, his one eyebrow arched as though he was suspicious of me.

"Y-yeah," I said, smiling slightly.

He straightened up, and dusted his pants. "Alright kid, I'm goin' there myself. You wanna hop in for a ride?" he asked.

He was pointing to a beautiful red trailer behind him. The lorry was huge, at least carrying a 3 ft tall container, and in the front, the radio was blasting rock music so loudly that I felt I might have to stuff in cotton balls to protect my ears from going deaf.

Getting up, I nodded.

"Alright then, you hop on once you're ready, hmm?" he said, looking pointedly at my shoes and socks.

"Okay, thanks," I replied, and watched him go over to the truck. And then, I pulled up my socks and my shoes, ready to go for a ride. The man smiled amicably and extended his hand for me to shake.

"My name's John Bowser, but people usually call me Yeti," he said as I shook his hand firmly. I didn't suspect the nickname, because the guy looked like one himself.

He offered me some water and a large packet of crisps for the ride. Instead of brushing my teeth I drank some water, and gulped down the whole packet in minutes.

"Huge appetite?" Bowser remarked, smiling. "How long has it been since you had anything?"

"Since yesterday afternoon," I lied. "That's when I left for the run. How far is the town?"

"Just a few miles away, kid, don't you worry," he reassured me. "Get some sleep if you want. I'll wake you up once we're there?"

"What do you transport in these?" I asked, sinking into the chair and relaxing. The rock music was actually not very distracting now that I was used to it.

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