Chapter 74 - Alex - Finally, They Are Out Of My Home

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I sighed. "Seriously, Apollo. I got out of the Council of Olympians for you, and you just end up back to square one."

Apollo blushed.

"A black mark on my record for nothing," I whispered angrily.

"I need time to get my bearings," he said, changing the subject. "Once we get to Camp Half-Blood, I can consult with Chiron. I can figure out which of my godly powers remain with me in this mortal form."

"If any," I said.

"Let's think positive."

Percy sat back in his armchair. "Any idea what kind of spirits are following you?"

"Shiny blobs," Meg said. "They were shiny and sort of blobby."

Percy nodded gravely. "Those are the worst kind."

"It hardly matters," Apollo said. "Whatever they are, we have to flee. Once we reach camp, the magical borders will protect me."

"And me?" Meg asked.

"Oh, yes. You, too."

I frowned. "Apollo, if you're really mortal, like, one hundred percent mortal, can you even get in to Camp Half-Blood?"

Again, he turned red. "Please don't say that. Of course I'll get in. I have to."

"But you could get hurt in battle now," Percy mused. "Then again, maybe monsters would ignore you because you're not important?"

"Stop!" His hands trembled. Apparently, being a mortal was traumatic enough. The thought of being barred from camp, of being unimportant... No. That simply could not be.

"I'm sure I've retained some powers," he said. "I'm still gorgeous, for instance, if I could just get rid of this acne and lose some flab. I must have other abilities!"

Percy turned to Meg. "What about you? I hear you throw a mean garbage bag. Any other skills we should know about? Summoning lightning? Making toilets explode?"

Meg smiled hesitantly. "That's not a power."

"Sure it is," Percy said. "Some of the best demigods have gotten their start by blowing up toilets."

I nodded. "And some know how to end up with a starfish on their faces at the right times."

Meg giggled.

"Ahem." Apollo rubbed his hands. "How soon can we leave?"

Percy glanced at the wall clock. "Right now, I guess. If you're being followed, I'd rather have monsters on our trail than sniffing around the apartment."

"Good man," he said.

Percy gestured with distaste at his test manuals. "I just have to be back tonight. Got a lot of studying. The first two times I took the SAT-ugh. If it wasn't for Annabeth helping me out-"

"Who's that?" Meg asked.

"My girlfriend."

Meg frowned. 

"So take a break!" Apollo urged. "Your brain will be refreshed after an easy drive to Long Island."

"Huh," Percy said. "There's a lazy kind of logic to that. Okay. Let's do it."

"Unless you get attacked by monsters and die," I said.

"You're not coming?"

"Nah, too busy. I've got to study for that entrance test for tomorrow. Otherwise I don't think the Roman Committee for Special Internships will get me into the program at PoC." 

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