Chapter 106 - Alex - I Meet A Stranger

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The last thing I remembered was finishing my pie. That's it. I don't even remember putting down my spoon. 

That's when it happened.

The well lit house of Black was turning dim. My vision dulled. I began to doubt my own cooking at this point. Had I put some sleeping pills into the dough?

"That was the best blue apple pie ever," I heard Remus' voice out of nowhere. "In fact, it was the best pie I've had years. Good one, Alex."

I nodded. "It's alright, Remus-"

And it went totally black.

I blinked. Still black.

To be honest, it wasn't that bad. I felt like I was floating in a plane so peaceful, so calm, that I did not want to go back to reality.

I took a deep breath in. This was bliss.

And then, out of nowhere, a hand wrapped around mine. It was cold and warm, soft and rough, all at the same time. Energy rushed into my body. Colors flooded into my vision. White mist floated around me. It was almost magical. I turned to my side. 

Holding my palm was a man. He had stunning caramel blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes that were surrounded by sun crinkles, and a well built, slim physique. He was wearing a black three piece suit under a light blue shirt. But beneath all of that, I couldn't help but see a tinge of sadness in those eyes, although the sun crinkles told me he smiled a lot.

I must have been staring at him too much, because he started to smile awkwardly. His teeth were almost perfect, and his smile was contagious. His figure glowed pure white, and I could almost see myself being reflected in it.

His smile turned smug as soon as I had returned the favor. He looked around, and then to me, almost as though asking me to take the next step forward to do something.

"What do I do?" I asked.

The man raised an eyebrow at me. 

Reluctantly, I touched the mist. An odd chill passed through my spine. Instantly, it turned red. The man smiled wider. 

Still holding my hand, still smiling, he took a step forward. I was starting to get rather hesitant. Why would I want to go into some sort of weird mist?

The man turned to me. And for the first time, he spoke. "This is our home."

I wanted to faint. His voice was as smooth as honey. It was pleading and yet controlling at the same time. I wanted to hear it even more. I wanted him to speak. I was willing to die to just hear his voice.

I took a step forward, my hand still intertwined with his. For a moment, I could see nothing but the red mist. And slowly, gradually, it all turned to a dark purple, mixing in with the white mist and the darkness that had once been.

I looked around. In between the mist, there were two rather comfy looking thrones. Columns made of mist rose up to infinity. The floor, although made of mist, sparkled like marble. 

The columns could have been mirrors, for all I knew. I saw the reflection of the man next to me on it. To his side however, stood a woman I could not recognize for thirty whole seconds.

A wonderfully crafted silver tiara rested on the woman's dark hair, styled tastefully into a sleek bun. She was tall, lean and her eyes changed color from sparkling gray to chocolate brown to green. Her deep red lips complemented her tan skin. She was wearing a long blue dress that flowed behind her, framing her figure beautifully. She looked nothing like Alexandra Marine, but I somehow knew that this new figure was no one but me.

"Welcome back home," said the man.

I stared at him, unable to understand. 

Then the man laughed. His laughter was golden, almost like the only thing worth watching. "I forget sometimes," he said. He stepped closer to me, and put his palm on my cheek. He was way taller than me. Funny thing is that I wanted him to step closer. He put his arm around my waist and took my hand in his. 

"Let's dance?" he asked, smiling. "Our music is our story. You just have to find it, Irene."

I closed my eyes. I was starting to feel heavy. What was this guy talking about? Who even is he? What am I doing here? And yet, my feet moved on their own, dancing to the rhythm of the quiet.

"Relax," said the man. "Be you. You are home."

My shoulders loosened. I felt calm, peaceful. I didn't dare open my eyes though. I felt like I might lose it all. And as though someone was turning up the volume on the TV slowly, a sound started to fill my mind. 

I opened my eyes. The man in front of me was now different. He had blonde hair, electric blue eyes and a small scar on his lip. Behind him, I heard waves crashing on the shore. We danced slowly, his kind eyes unwavering from mine.

"Jason?" I asked.

 "Mmm, this time," answered Jason. "Last time I was Damon. And before that-"

"What do you mean?" 

"I've waited really long. But that's my job. After all, that was what I was made for."

I just looked at him, confused. Jason's form flickered. Instead, I was then dancing with a man who had black hair, green eyes, wearing a leather jacket and a smug smile. It flickered again. Then there was a man with strawberry blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, smiling warmly at me. His form flickered over and over again, and every time there was a new man, and each one seemed extremely content; like he had just achieved the purpose of his life.

And he came to a stop. We were back in the mist, at the throne room, and the man in front of me was still smiling. "But ever since the beginning, I've known you, Irene, and you've always known me. In fact, I am still, after all these years, a part of you."

"I-I- don't-" I began. I felt confused. His name was at the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't say it. It felt like a word, waiting to be uttered. He put his palms on my cheeks. 

His eyes were gleaming. "Remember me. Please."

And then, the name spilled from my mouth. "Alexander."

A single tear of joy found it's way out of the man's eyes. He took a deep breath in. He nodded, "Yes, that's who I am. And you are my Irene, my wife, my love, my everything."

"I am Irene," I repeated after him. "And you are Alexander."

Alexander smiled once more. "Yes. You are my warrior queen, and I am your patient king."

That made no sense. Alexander meant 'warrior'. And Irene meant 'peace'. We were opposites of what are names hailed us to be. 

Alexander stepped closer. "And together, we are Chaos." 


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