Chapter 118 - Percy- On the Train to Hogwarts

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"I can't believe you right now!" Annabeth huffed for the hundredth time in half an hour.

"What happened?" Harry asked as we entered the compartment he was sitting in, accompanied by Ginny, a blonde kid and another blonde kid, the other blonde kid being more weird than the first. Yeah, that's how I would describe them.

"Nothing," I lied, "Annabeth and I were just fighting about whether collecting Chocolate Frog cards is a waste of time or not."

"Fighting is a strong word," Alex corrected. "Arguing? Yes. Not fighting."

Annabeth huffed again, and sat down. 

"You're new here," the weird blonde kid said.

"We're all transfers from Ilvermorny," I supplied, sitting down next to Annabeth. "You can tell from the accent. Percy Jackson."

"Guys," Ginny said, "this is Luna Lovegood- Luna is in my year, but in Ravenclaw."

"Cool," Alex said, "nice to meet you, man. Alexandra Marine. Fifth year too."

"I am not a man," the girl said. 

"It's just an expression," Jason said, already trying his best not to roll his eyes. "Jason Grace."

The other kid seemed to be getting a little nervous looking at us all. 

"Will Solace. And you are...?" Will asked him. 

"I am nobody," the kid supplied hurriedly.

"Like, Odysseus?" Annabeth asked, smiling.


"Never mind."

"Anyway," Harry said, "this is Neville Longbottom."

"Cool," Nico said. "Nico D'Angelo. Please don't ever talk to me or you'll be electrocuted."

Neville whimpered a bit.

We mostly talked about school stuff. The houses, quidditch, Hogsmeade and all those perks and privileges you get in fifth year- the whole OWL exams deal-- until an hour later, Ron and Hermione showed up.

Harry, Ginny, and Neville had finished their Chocolate Frogs and were busy swapping Cards when the compartment door slid open and they walked in, accompanied by Crookshanks and a shrilly hooting Pigwidgeon in his cage.

Personally, we found biting off the head of a frog rather disgusting, so we stuck with the pumpkin pasties.

"I'm starving," said Ron, stowing Pigwidgeon next to Hedwig, grabbing a Chocolate Frog from Harry and throwing himself into the seat next to him. He ripped open the wrapper, bit off the frog's head and leaned back with his eyes closed as though he had had a very exhausting morning.

"Well, there are two fifth-year prefects from each house," said Hermione, looking thoroughly disgruntled as she took her seat. "Boy and girl from each."

"And guess who's a Slytherin prefect?" said Ron, still with his eyes closed.

"Malfoy," replied Harry at once.

I quickly realized this 'Malfoy' kid was Harry's arch rival or something, because he was frowning so hard I thought his face was going to get permanently deformed.

"'Course," said Ron bitterly.

"And that complete cow Pansy Parkinson," said Hermione viciously. "How she got to be a prefect when she's thicker than a concussed troll..."

"Who are Hufflepuff's?" Harry asked.

"Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott," said Ron thickly.

"And Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil for Ravenclaw," said Hermione.

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