Chapter 52 - Alex - The Fire Of Rome

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Time passed as Percy, Hazel, Frank and I waited in the forum, playing UNO cards.

"You all have packed, I assume," I said, placing a card down. "Colour changes to red."

"Reverse, your turn," Percy said, placing another card, "I don't know about you all but I am packed."

"Yeah, it's not like you have a lot of things here anyway, Seaweed Brain," I said.

"Me, I am done packing," Hazel said.

"I don't know how to fit in a bow and arrow into my bagpack," Frank complained, "also, Hazel, draw two."

Hazel groaned as she took two more cards. "At this rate I'll be losing."

"They're taking their time," Percy said.

"Hmm," I responded. "Wait until Octavian finds no reason to blame the Greeks."

"He'll be grumbling all over the place," Hazel snickered.

A shrill sound pierced the air.


A burning couch tumbled through the air. Demigods scattered in panic.

"What the heck?" I shouted, throwing the cards down and looking up.

As soon as I said it, the Argo II launched a second volley. Its port ballista fired a massive spear wreathed in Greek fire, which sailed straight through the broken dome of the Senate House and exploded inside, lighting up the building like a jack-o'-lantern. If anyone had been in there-

"Percy!" I yelled. "Go now, leave. Get your bags out, now. The Romans will think the Greeks have betrayed them. GO!"

The demigods scrambled to their feet. "What about you?" Hazel asked.

"I'm going to the Senate House," I said. "When I come back, I should find no trace of you left behind. Go."

I turned around. Percy caught my wrist and held me back. "Be safe, Starfish," he said.

I turned and kissed my brother on his forehead. "I will. Don't break your bones, Seaweed or I'll kill you."

Percy grinned.

"Now," I whispered, "go."

Down in the forum, chaos was spreading. Crowds were pushing and shoving. Fistfights were breaking out.

The Roman demigods in the forum had coalesced into an angry mob. Some threw plates, food, and rocks at the Argo II, which was pointless, as most of the stuff fell back into the crowd.

Several dozen Romans had surrounded Piper and Jason, who were trying to calm them without much luck. Piper's charmspeak was useless against so many screaming, angry demigods. Jason's forehead was bleeding. His purple cloak had been ripped to shreds. He kept pleading, "I'm on your side!" but his orange Camp Half-Blood T-shirt didn't help matters—nor did the warship overhead, firing flaming spears into New Rome. One landed nearby and blasted a toga shop to rubble.

I spotted Annabeth pushing away from Terminus. I ran to her.

"What- Alex!"

"Get yourself and your friends out of here," I said. "We've been betrayed. I suspect there is something control your friend Leo. Go now."

"They will attack Camp Half-" Annabeth began.

"I will take care of it all," I said, losing my patience. "Get out of here, Annabeth. Stay safe."

Armed legionnaires were hurrying toward the forum. Two artillery crews had set up catapults just outside the Pomerian Line and were preparing to fire at the Argo II. One of the Roman catapults had fired, and the Argo II groaned and tilted sideways, flames bubbling over its bronze-plated hull. The Argo II returned fire. Legionnaires in the field scattered as one of their catapults was blasted to splinters.

Halfway to the senate, I heard a roar below and glanced up.

Romans screamed and scattered as a full-sized dragon charged through the forum—a beast even scarier than the bronze dragon figurehead on the Argo II. It had rough gray skin like a Komodo lizard's and leathery bat wings. Arrows and rocks bounced harmlessly off its hide as it lumbered toward Piper and Jason, grabbed them with its front claws, and vaulted into the air.

Frank, I thought. He swooped down next to me, and did a bowed his head a little.

"Take care of my family, Frank," I said as he flew back into the air.

All along the Pomerian Line, the statues of Terminus were glowing purple, as if building up energy for some kind of attack. The ship groaned. The bow tilted up at a horrifying angle. The mooring lines snapped, and the Argo II shot into the clouds.

One last time. And then we'd all be safe, I thought. I turned abruptly, the torn and tattered cloak of mine still billowing behind. I ran to the senate. Bright yellow and deep orange flames burned through the walls, ever spreading. I closed my eyes and stepped in.

The fire crawled up onto my legs. It did not burn. It merely tickled a bit. It did not sting. It was cool. I opened my eyes and pulled my trident out.

I sweeped the trident into the air and the fire followed. It gathered next to me, following my will and mine alone. I willed it to rise me into the air, and so it did. It did not burn the senate, not anymore, now that I was in control.

The fire rose into the air along with me and out of the senate, and I hate to say this, I probably looked like an extremely large doll cake. On fire.

Roman demigods screamed loudly. They bounded backwards, too scared to even look at the fire. Reyna was gawking at me like I was on fire- which I was on, but you get the point.

"Pontifex Maximus, go after them!" Octavian screamed. "Make sure your promise is fulfilled!"

"I made no promise to you, Octavian." I said. The fire grew wilder as my insides raged with anger. "I know what is best for this place, and I will do it. Hear my orders, my subjects. I hereby decree that all other Pontifex Maximus and Praetors' decision be overwritten. The Greeks will not be attacked until I tell you to do so."

The Romans shouted in protest. I willed the fire to spread wider. The demigods backed away silently.

"Your Pontifex Maximus has decided to go on an expedition," I said. "And until I come back, no demigod will leave. I will go to Manhattan myself and speak with the Greeks. Peace is our ultimate goal."

The Romans watched in awe for a moment. And then, Reyna bent low and got on one knee. "As you command, Pontifex Maximus," she said. 

Slowly but surely, the other followed. Octavian was the last to do so though. 

I closed my eyes and concentrated. The orange flames of the Greek fire turned white as clouds. The flames fell low, and they burned away into the ground and out of sight.



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