Chapter 109 - Alex - Chaos is Revealed

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"Take it this way....Chaos was never one being," Alexander explained to me as we walked through gardens that were more beautiful than the ones on Olympus. I had to tell myself every thirty seconds to not get distracted. "There are always two aspects to everything; and in our case, the two aspects were always you, and me. Of course, I can't say this is exactly how everything works. We're the just the surface many scrape and leave."

He hesitantly placed his arm around my waist, and looked at me, as though waiting for me to shout at him. When I didn't, he smiled wide. "And people always think we are indifferent to everything. But a mother and father always makes sure that their future generations can survive and thrive. We never created the universe, but we adopted it when things went out of hand. That's why you went first. Because before peace, there is always war. And you, my dear, always start the war that leads to peace."

"Then why did you come too?" I asked.

"Because you didn't come back," Alexander replied. "I was worried. Even patience turns to curiosity sometimes. I wanted to be with you. And look how long it took me."

I smiled. "Seventy eight thousand mortal lives?"  

"Seventy eight thousand five hundred and three." Alexander corrected. "And going on four."

"But," I stopped. "Does Jason- do you- know?"

"Of course not!" Alexander laughed. "I am a part of you. I am in your head right now, dear. Let's just say- this is your mind palace and I'm your guide. But as Jason, I'm afraid I don't have the power or the focus to remember all of this."

"So now I have to save you from being mortal?" I asked, frowning.

"As always," Alexander shrugged, a smug smile on his face. He continued to walk. "Most of the primordials are always working for us. Gaea and Ouranos did exactly as I instructed them to."

"Wait. You woke Gaea?"

"No," said Alexander. "We woke Gaea. If Alexandra and Jason had to meet, there had to be some disaster. We didn't do it knowingly, of course, but it worked, somehow."

"But why?" I asked. "Why did we start a world ending event?"

"Oh, that was no world ending event," he said coolly. "The real one's coming up next, and we are going to need us at our best."

"What do you mean?"

Alexander waved his hand. White mist began to take shape. "Show him to us."

The mist formed into a screen. It displayed a red land, completely different from that of Earth. Sulphureous yellow winds seemed to be storming, and gray clouds swirled threateningly. The ground shook threateningly.

"Tartarus," I whispered.

"Yes," Alexander sighed. 

"Don't tell me he's not under our control."

"He was," Alexander said. "But he's starting to get out of his limits. He's angry."


"Because his territory isn't enough for him. He wants more. And believe me, by more, he doesn't mean just Earth." He pointed around us. "He wants power beyond limits. He wants you and me in a cell working for him."

I clenched my fists in anger. "Why can't we just go and defeat him right now?"

"Because, my dear," Alexander said, his face extremely calm, "we are mortal right now and extremely weak compared to him. Even gods cannot defeat Tartarus. Only we can kill the child we made to protect Gaea. And we need to be what we were before to do that."

"And how do we do that?" I asked. "How do we become what we were before?"

Alexander's smile drooped so suddenly I thought he'd just seen someone die. "Well...." he started hesitantly. "I- I don't want to-"

"Oh, please," I said, rolling my eyes. "Don't you dare stall."

"Do you know how diamonds are made?" he asked after a long pause.

I thought about it. "That's tenth grade science... which I didn't learn."

Alexander smiled a little. "Well, diamonds are made from carbon. And carbon is put under intense pressure for years for it to finally turn into the hardest substance found on Earth."

And that's when it dawned on me. "No way. You don't want me- us to-"

"We have to. Only through trials and suffering can Jason and Alexandra become Alexander and Irene."

I was in shock. "You can't ask this of Jason- of you! You'll die if he even sets foot next to the gap. He's only half immortal, for god's sake."

"The gap never was a cause for my trial or my suffering. It is yours because only you have the ultimate power to control it. Right now, your only aim should be to regain the control over the one thing you have lost. And that is control over the gap. Mine is.. and always has been- you."

"That's so cliché," I said, "and touching at the same time."

The man had the gall to smile. "What can I say? I am the father of all cliches." He paused and stared outside. The outer space shone with stars. "But I what I say is true. Jason's suffering is living without you. And the only way to do that-"

"Is I have to-" I asked. 

He looked down at me, and his grip tightened around my waist. His face had an extreme look of worry. "I hate to hear you say that,"  he interrupted.

"Well, it is the only way." I leaned on his shoulder. I felt like this wasn't the only time I had done so. "You said it yourself. The only way you can become-  you, is through suffering. And if only I can help you in that, I won't hesitate.."

His eyes filled with tears. He pulled me closer and into a hug. "I love you."

"I don't think I'm ready to say that back just yet," I said, hugging him back.

"Then I will be waiting for you," he replied. 

He pulled away only minutes later. "You need to go, Irene. Some mortals need your help with bringing back some peace to their conversation, and I'm afraid you're going to have to bring it back the hard way."

"Oh, I'm like ninety nine percent sure it's a fight between Sirius and Molly," I said, chuckling. 

Alexander smiled. "Always the know-it-all." 

He looked up into the sky once again. He pointed up. "See that?"

I looked up too. Above us, I could see space and time swirling away from the mist. Purple light shone, and stars sparkled like jewels. "Remember this. Home. Your way back when you're lost."

"It's beautiful," I said.

"It's a part of you and me," Alexander said. "Promise me you'll find it, in real life, someday."

"I will." I kissed his cheek. "Thank you so much for everything."

Alexander just stared at me as though something revolutionary had happened. And then he woke up from his revolutionary stare and smiled. "No, thank you." He paused, just looking at me for a moment or so. "Now go."

Personally, I didn't want to leave. But he was right. I couldn't just live in my mind forever. There was only one way I could achieve my new goal. Find 'Home,' wherever it was, in real life. 

I turned away and walked a few steps. And then, a question arose in my mind. "How can I ever see you again as Alexander?"

He smiled. "Every time you look deep into yourself for answers, I will be there to guide you, just as you are there for me." 


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