Chapter 156 - Percy - I Accidentally Almost Die

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"What do we do?" I whispered to the Professor.

"I'm sure you can come up with something," McGonagall said hurriedly.

"Percy," Alex said. She pressed something into my hand, "Eat it."

"What?" Professor McGonagall said.

I turned red. "Are you sure-?"

"For gods' sakes, trust me," Alex hissed.

Reluctantly, I swallowed it. The ambrosia tasted like heaven. Like warm blue cookies and smoothies-

My legs became as heavy as lead. I fell to my knees. My head was swirling, and I felt like closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

"Percy!" Alex called, hoisting me up with her arms. "Come on!" 

Professor McGonagall was frowning so hard I thought her eyebrows were going to become a unibrow.

"What just happened?"

"He just had a Fever Fudge," Alex responded. "Courtesy of Weasley twins."

I didn't know two squares of ambrosia could work as Fever Fudge, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

"Unfortunately," Alex added, "there's no simple cure for it, either. So let's rush him to the Hospital Wing."

"Very good, Ms. Marine," McGonagall said, her eyes wide. "Can you stand up, Jackson?"

"Yeah," I whispered, getting up and putting an arm over Alex for support.

"Minerva!" a voice called.

I turned around just to see the faint outline of Professor Umbridge. She was wearing a pink night dress. How very predictable of her. 

"Dolores," McGonagall greeted the Professor, but continued to lead us to the Hospital Wing. We walked past her, until Umbridge turned around and started following us.

"What are you doing-" Umbridge asked, stopping McGonagall on the way. "Are those students?"

"Well," I heard Alex say, "unless you want the students to become one student and a dead body, you might want to move away, professor."

"Now," McGonagall said, "there's no need for that talk. Dolores, we can speak later."

She brushed past Umbridge, and we followed her lead. 

"Hem hem. Minerva- what are you doing with these students?" Umbridge was back to pacing behind us.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Giving them detention?" McGonagall turned around, facing the witch, and I could almost hear her glare. My eyesight was getting poorer by the second. 

"I just heard from Mr. Filch that students are out of bed," Umbridge said, almost jogging to keep up with McGonagall. 

"Sure you did," Alex huffed. "Did he happen to mention that one of the students is dying?"

"And that they have a teacher with them?" Professor McGonagall added. 

"But-" Umbridge began.

"Dolores," Professor McGonagall said coldly, "you can either stay out of this and get nothing, help Jackson and get some good on your list, or you can have this child's blood on your hands and stop me as I take him to the Hospital Wing."

"And I can assure you," she added, "that this institution keeps the student's life at top priority. Not the rules, not your educational degrees."

The clickity-clackity of Umbridge's pink heels stopped. She was so dumbstruck that she had fallen back. 

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