Chapter 161 - Ariana - A Gathering Of Death Eaters

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The room was filled with people, much to my disgust.

"Ah, I was beginning to think we'd miss you for the meeting, Adler."

I looked to the end of the table, where the man I 'served' sat. He was positively beaming at me, his red slit-like eyes sparkling in the darkness. 

"Sorry, my lord," I said quietly. "I was busy collecting information."

"Here," said Voldemort, pointing to a seat beside him. "I've saved a seat for you."

I nodded, "Much obliged, my lord." I sat next to Voldemort, trying not to scowl. Opposite me, I could see Severus Snape's dark and greasy mop of hair. He smiled weakly at me, as though he knew the plan.

"Now," said Voldemort, "Ms. Adler here has been very useful to me in the past few years. She was the only one to take initiative under her father's orders to discover me at the forests of Albania."

I acted like I was blushing. 

"She helped me find Quirrell and get myself a temporary body," Voldemort continued. "Her perseverance to help me rise from my trance has borne fruit."

"I do not deserve this praise, my lord." I actually did not. I was just going with the flow, and sometimes, following Dumbledore's orders. Quirrell just happened to stumble into Voldemort by himself. I was not involved in the exchange.

"Ariana," Voldemort said, "your father will be pleased with your work."

Seriously, I would have scoffed if I could. Instead, I smiled. "My lord, you talk too well of me."

Voldemort nodded. "Tonight, ladies and gents," he said, smiling, "I have had the pleasure of having Ms. Adler here inform me that my mission has been successful."

The gang of Death Eaters shouted, whooped in victory. "Yes!"

"Tonight," Voldemort continued, "my most loyal companions, my irreplaceable Death Eaters will join be joining us... once more."

 More chattering of pride, pleasure. 

"They have never let go of me," Voldemort said as the voices rose, "and now, the Dark Lord will be merciful to them, and he has brought them out of misery."

I hate it when people speak of themselves in third person. 

He flicked his wand at the large oak doors of Malfoy Manor, and they creaked open. In walked ten of the most... interesting looking people on earth.

Compared to them, souls of the Underworld would look even more beautiful.

 Every one of them was as pale as a ghost, and their skin looked like it was covered by a thin wax sheet. Their eyes were sunken into their holes, like they'd seen things no one should. But the one thing all of them had in common, were wide smirks and evil grins.

And leading all of them was the most terrifying witch ever. She had long, dark hair that looked unkempt and straggly. She glared at everyone except perhaps Voldemort through heavily lidded eyes, an arrogant, disdainful smile playing around her thin mouth. Like Sirius, she retained vestiges of great good looks, but something--perhaps Azkaban--had taken most of her beauty.

I shivered slightly. 

"Welcome, welcome," said Voldemort, smiling snidely. 

Applause grew louder at the table as Bellatrix Lestrange sat down near me. I nodded at her. 

Bellatrix paid no attention to me. Instead she turned to Voldemort. "My lord, how am I to ever repay this debt- anything- anything-" she spread her hand towards Voldemort yearningly.  

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