Chapter 9

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                             Survivor Series War Games Part 1

Saturday morning, the morning of Survivor Series I woke up and stared at the ceiling from inside my bunk. We could have stayed in a hotel room a really nice hotel room but I wanted to be somewhere familiar when I woke up. The Usos, Heyman, and Roman all stayed in the hotel but since they can't seem to leave me alone Solo said he'd stay on the bus also. I didn't think I'd sleep anyways because I haven't been able to turn my brain off for the last week in anticipation of this day, of my match but I slept a peaceful sleep. I looked at the clock it was eight in the morning I had just over twelve hours before I walked out for my match, the biggest match of my career thus far. The match however wasn't what was weighing on my mind it was telling The Bloodline, telling Roman that a good portion of the locker doesn't think I deserve this title match. That a lot of people believe I'm only getting the match because of Roman or that I'm sleeping with half The Bloodline. That no matter how much effort I put into everything I'd done since my return wasn't proof enough that I've proven myself to be one of the best. I definitely felt the pressure of this match, for me it was do or die. No matter the end result or the consequences after I wasn't going to regret nothing. I sighed and rolled to my side.

"That was a sigh," I heard. I reached over and slid the blind open enough to stick my head out. Solo was sitting at the dinning table. We locked eyes. "You worried about your match already?" he asked. I may have felt the pressure to deliver but I wasn't worried about it since Ronda and I had been texting back and forth for the last thirty-six hours to the point where we both knew every single moment and move that was going to happen.

"No, I'm not worried about the match," I said sleep still obvious in my voice.

"What's wrong then?" he asked. What could I say that wasn't a lie because lying to Solo would not make me feel good. I couldn't think of anything.

"What can I say so you won't ask me that again and just drop it, because I don't want to lie to you," I honestly spoke. His eyebrows pulled tight together.

"Then don't lie and tell me the truth," he said.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you anything right now," I retorted and I saw the hurt reflect in the eyes of someone who spends a lot of time not showing soft emotions. "I will tell you just not now," I said and pulled the curtain closed again because I couldn't look at that expression any longer. I rolled over to the other side and stared at the wall. I wanted to fast forward to right before the match because now I was going to get looks the rest of the day. About five minutes passed and I was getting ready to get up to face the day when my phone started quietly playing Roman's theme song. I answered without hesitation it now had become odd when we all weren't staying in the same place.

"Hello," I answered.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing why?" I questioned confused.

"That's not what Solo said," he told me. I reached over and pulled back the curtain again Solo still sitting there and already staring at me.

"Traitor," I said to him.

"Doing what's best for you," Solo said. I mean mugged him and pulled the curtain back.

"There isn't anything I can say right now," I told Roman.

"You said at Survivor series you'd tell me, so?"

"Not right now."

"Briar I'm not going to put up with this much longer," he said.

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