Chapter 41

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                                          Royal Rumble Hangover

"What'd you say?" I asked breathless like I imagined he said it.

"I said I love you," he repeated. I wanted to say the words back with zero hesitation I felt the same way. I just didn't know how to let the words come out.

"I....," I started to say but nothing came. I didn't realize how hard it'd be to say words you've never said together in a sentence before.

"Briar?" Roman questioned.

"I absolutely want to say those words back to you," I said. "It's just that...," I stopped again feeling embarrassed about it.

"What is it?" Roman asked calmly, no irritation or annoyance just caring in his voice.

"I've never said those words before, to anyone. My mother never said them to me no one has said those words to me nor me to anyone else. I didn't think they'd be that hard to say," I rambled.

"It's okay Briar, you say them when your ready," he said. I felt another tear wanting to slip out at how nice he was being about it.

"I do feel the same way," I told him.

"I know and I look forward to hearing you say those words when you are ready," he told me wrapping me tighter in his arms.

"Can I ask for something?" I asked after several silent moments.

"Anything Wildfire," he assured.

"Will you...will you lay on my back?" I asked. A few more moments of silence came.

"I don't think so, I don't want to hurt you anymore then you already are," he told me.

"I wouldn't ask if I thought it would hurt me, I just feel like pressure on my back would make it not hurt so much," I said.

"I don't know," he said still unconvinced.

"Please, if it bugs me, I'll let you know right away, please Chief," I begged.

"Alright," he said caving in. "But you know you aren't always going to get your way by begging," he assured.

"I can definitely try," I responded back. He shook his head at me as I moved to lay on my stomach. Roman moved from my side as he placed his large hands on either side of my head. He slowly lowered himself down on top of me. Instantly the pressure felt so nice, and I finally found a position I was comfortable in.

"Are you okay?" he questioned once he was settled.

"Yes, it feels good Chief, thank you," I mumbled feeling sleep approach. He kissed the top of my head than laid his head next to mine on my pillow. In just a few minutes I had quickly fallen fast asleep.

I was walking down the hallway when I say Jimmy and Jey standing at the other end talking. They looked up and waved when they saw me. I started walking in their direction but the more I walked the farther away they seemed to get. I started to run at them the hallway grew longer until finally I got to the corner but they were gone. I spun around in a circle I saw down another hallway Solo and Paul standing there staring at me with blank expressions on their faces. I took off running for them and again the hallway seemed to get longer and I couldn't reach them. I started to panic until I stood again at a corner but Solo and Paul were gone. I walked into a room it was empty and just filled with more doors. I picked one and entered a similar room and more doors. In full panic I ran from room to room until I came into another hallway. Roman was standing at the end. I ran for him trying to scream, but nothing came out. He kept getting farther and farther away and I couldn't do anything. I got to that spot where he was standing and he'd disappeared instead a door was standing where he was. I opened it and found myself falling. When I landed, I was in the middle of ring in my old gear wrestling a match on Monday Night Raw before I was with The Bloodline. I was getting my butt kicked and then lost the match and there was nothing I could do about it. Soon I was left standing in the ring everyone was laughing at me. I slowly turned looking at the people till I faced the ramp and saw The Bloodline standing there. They stared at me before Roman shook his head and they all turned and walked away. I ran to the ropes and got out of the ring, when I looked up again, they were gone and I was standing alone in a white empty room with no doors.

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