Chapter 37

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                                                           The Longest Week

                                                                   Raw 30

           Silence followed once we left the Smackdown ring. So many things happened that needed to be discussed. At least Sami knew to keep his distance, and to not even try to say anything. In gorilla I picked my title up where I had dropped it.

"Are you sure your, okay? Do you need a trainer?" I asked again to Roman.

"Briar, stop, I'm fine, no trainer, I'm pissed off that's it. Let's get to the locker room then to the bus, damn it," Roman said pulling his hair out of the holder as it got messed up, he left it down till we got to the locker room. Silence befell us again, as we left the locker room to the bus. It was kind of unspoken about what was to happen. Everyone went different ways on the bus to change into relaxing clothes, Paul had ordered food for us, and Rick got the bus into motion to go pick up the food. About thirty minutes later, everyone started gathering around the table. The food was handed out and Rick had us back on the road for the next stop. After everyone had a few minutes to get a little to eat it was Paul who spoke first.

"I've been informed The Bloodline will start off RAW 30 with the trial of Sami Zayn in Tribal Court," he spoke. Contemplating the meaning of that I couldn't decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing. After having a talk for over an hour, it was decided that Paul would talk about the charges brought against Sami and Sami would have to defend himself. I made it clear that I'd be out there but I wouldn't pick a side or get involved. Once that plan was done Jey had a lot of questions about what was going on with me and Sami. I answered best I could but I didn't want to express every thought and opinion I had on Sami, I wanted them to see and make the decision for themselves. I wanted them to come to the realizations about Sami that I have come to without my influence on them. So, I said what needed to be said and that was it, and it was enough to satisfy them for now. I'd watch to see what happens at the trial and decided where to go from there.

The weekend went by in a blur and before I knew it, we had arrived in Philadelphia for RAW's thirty anniversary. All day the arena was electric more then I'd ever seen it. I saw and meet with legends I'd grew up watching and wanted to be. I did hair and makeup with a basic Briar look as I wasn't even in a match I'd just be in the opening segment for the trial. I'd spotted Elias a few times but he either didn't see me or was pretending to ignore me because of Roman's warning. Finally, it was time to start the show. The whole family standing in gorilla, I went to a monitor to watch the opening video package highlighting the last thirty years of RAW. Watching all these moments made me want to be a part of them too. Twenty years from now I wanted to be able to see one of these compilation videos and one of my iconic moments being highlighted.

A hand waved in my face and I snapped out it looking to my left at Jey.

"You say something?" I asked.

"We'd been talking to you," he said a look of worry on his face. That's when I realized Roman's music was playing. I spun around and the rest of them were standing in their positions by the curtain watching me.

"Sorry," I said moving quickly to get into my spot on the right slightly behind Roman, Jey moving in behind me.

"Are you good?" Roman asked. I didn't know how to answer the question and it was time to walk out so I just nodded my head yes that I was fine. Roman definitely wasn't convinced especially since I didn't use my words but we had a job to do. Glancing at me one more time before The Tribal Chief led us all out to Tribal Court. Sami kind of stood off to the side of us looking nervous and worried as usual while we hit our normal poses on the ramp and in the ring. In the ring a table with chairs was set up, but before we sat down and begin Roman takes the mic and asks the crowd of Philadelphia to acknowledge him. We all do, raising the one to the sky, even an unsure Sami does. Roman then takes a seat at the head of the table. Sami sits alone on one side and then me and the twins sit on the other side, I'm the closest to Roman. Paul stands on Roman's left as Solo stands on Roman's right. My only objective here is to pray this goes well and that's all going to depend on Sami's reaction and defense to the evidence brought against him that Paul is going to talk about. As Paul takes the mic chants of ECW break out. Paul takes note of this and then kneels in-between Roman and me.

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