Chapter 73.5

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In The Days Before WrestleMania

Part 2

"You saw?" I asked.

"Who hasn't it's been all over the internet! Been trending in the top three on all social media platforms," Paul said joining us pushing buttons on his phone then holding it up for us to see. I think he was a little irritated about it, but only because he didn't know about it.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised everyone was recording it. It was just something fun we'd thought we do for the fans instead just rushing inside. Besides I thought Nicole made a great Wiseman," I sneered at Paul. The twins chuckled, and Roman tried to hide his smile. "I'm just kidding Paul, no one could replace you, believe me I know I couldn't replace Roman, it's too hard," I told them then glanced at him.

"At least someone gets it," he said pulling me back into him.

"Where's the rest of the family, Uce, we're hungry we barely had a break all day," Jey whined.

"I reserved the party room at the restaurant downstairs for us at 5:30pm so I'm assuming most of them are down there. We'll head down in about five minutes, where are the other two Bloodline members," Roman asked.

"Their room, they were tired, they said they'd just order room service but I'll just double check to see if they want to join us," I said. "I need a minute before we go down," I told the guys typing on my phone and heading down the hallway for the bedroom. I sent a message to the girls then walked into the bedroom. I sat my title down on the table next to both of Roman's. I put my phone on the bed then went into the bathroom. I refixed my auburn-colored hair and took a deep breath. It was great meeting the fans and everyone but a lot of people, a lot of noise it was nice to stand in the silence for a while. I was hoping after Mania I could spend a few days back home I missed the house, the stillness of the woods, watching the sunset on my balcony. I emerged from the bathroom to find Roman sitting on the bed, he had my phone in his hand.

"They message back?" I asked.

"Yeah, they said their good for the night and see you tomorrow," he said.

"Alright, I hope this restaurant is good I'm starving," I said taking my phone from him as he handed it back to me. I took it and as I put it in my back pocket, Roman pulled me to him. I looked up in surprise at the sudden movement. My face was just inches from his.

"I missed you today, Wildfire," he said and I grinned.

"I missed you too Chief," I told him and his lips met mine, he pressed my body against his and I had no idea how long our lips stayed together until Jey yelled down the hall at us.

"Let's go Uce, WE HUNGRY!" he shouted. Roman and I pulled away breathing hard and I laughed.

"We should go they've been talking about nothing but food for the last hour," I told him.

"Your right, nothing worse than a hungry Samoan."

"So, I've noticed but I would like to continue this conversation later," I informed him, giving him a devilish smile.

"You got it," he said taking hold of my hand and we left the room. We walked past the guys getting a glare from Jey and went downstairs to meet the family, security following us.

We met up with everyone and I was quickly thrown right back into a fast-moving loud environment. We all sat around a table enjoying the food we were brought and have great conversations. It was moments like this that almost made me want to cry, was this what I missed being a part of growing up, families having fun and eating together because if I did, I was bummed I missed it.

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