Chapter 25

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                                                        Home for Christmas

When I peeled my eyes open the next morning it actually took me a second to realize I wasn't on the bus but I was at home in my own bed and it was Christmas Eve. I rolled over to look at the clock on the nightstand it was just eight-thirty in the morning. So, I figured that wasn't a bad time to wake up considering I went to sleep at three. I laid there for a few minutes before getting out of bed. I put on a pair of black shorts that matched the black Bloodline shirt I'd worn to bed. I put on my grey robe, before heading down stairs in search of coffee. Halfway down the stairs the smell of coffee was already wafting through the air so was the sound of Christmas music. Walking through the living room the TV was on playing Christmas music and a fireplace image was shown. I found Lynda in the kitchen.

"Merry Christmas Eve," she said smiling brightly at me.

"Merry Christmas Eve," I replied back taking a seat at the island. She pushed over a cup of coffee.

"Thanks," I told her reaching for the creamer.

"How'd you sleep," she asked.

"Alright, took a little bit to get used to my own bed again."

"Also probably missing something or should I say someone," she said as I paused my cup half an inch from my face. I took a drink before looking up at her with raised eyebrows. "Oh, come on Briar, you haven't said anything but the last few times I talked to you and from what I could see on TV you guys are together right?" she asked.

"Yeah, we are, it isn't something we are advertising though, can you imagine what things would be like if the whole world knew. It hasn't even been a month, it's still new to us," I told her.

"Well as long as your happy. I look forward to meeting him in the morning. Is he as big in person as he looks on TV?" she asked.

"Yeah, he is," I chuckled. Lynda came over and slid breakfast in front of me.

"You didn't have to make breakfast but thanks, it looks good," I told her looking down at the bowl of yogurt with mixed fruit and a breakfast croissant with egg whites, cheddar cheese, and bacon. While I ate Lynda went over the Christmas dinner she had all planned out.

"It all sounds good, I really appreciate the help, cooking was never my thing, probably because it isn't really fun to cook for just yourself."

"Not a big deal dear, you just hangout with the guys and let me worry about the food."

"Again thanks," I told her. "I'm going to head up to my art room, going to finish getting my gifts together," I said pouring myself a second cup of coffee.

"Alright, dear, I'm going to work on making the desserts and salads for tomorrow," she said. I nodded then headed back upstairs. I got to my art room and punched in the code to go in, it felt so long since I'd been in here. Two hours later I'd finally gotten all the gifts together and wrapped up, I just had to take them downstairs and put underneath the tree. Just before I was about to do that my phone rang, and Roman's theme song filled my art room. I actually let it play for a minute, it hadn't even been twenty-four hours but I missed him. I missed him when I went to sleep, I missed him waking up this morning, and I missed sitting next to him at the table eating breakfast with everyone.

"Morning Chief," I said putting on my cheery voice and not the sad I miss you voice.

"Good morning, Wildfire," he said and the sound of his voice took that flame inside me down a notch.

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