Chapter 48

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                                             Smackdown 2/10/23

                                                          Oh Sh*t

I decided when I got up Friday morning, I wasn't going to dwell on anything, I was just going to go with the flow and deal with things as they happened. The morning started off just like any other morning. Solo, Jimmy, Roman, and I were up early and in the gym which Roman made sure was a closed gym session for us. Afterwards we went back to the bus to get ready for the day. After my shower I put on a blue cropped long sleeved Smackdown shirt and my black cargo pants. I didn't do much for hair and makeup since it was a show night. I was eating a light breakfast when my phone buzzed. For a split second my hopes got up thinking it was Jey but my heart sank when I saw it was from Sami. I dreaded opening it but my curiosity wanted to know.

'I hope you've had some time to think about what I said. I was wondering if we could talk before the show,' he wrote. Was he crazy or just slow? What else could I do to make it clear to him that I didn't like him and wanted nothing to do with him.

'Anything I've got to say to you, I can say in the ring, when the time is right. Otherwise, we've gotten nothing to talk about personally,' I responded back feeling the anger radiate down my spine.

"Brair, did you hear me?" I looked up to Paul with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"They don't want Roman and Solo backstage tonight. Mostly they want the focus on the Usos and their tag match. So, it's just going to be me, you, and Jimmy and hopefully Jey," he said.

"He'll be there," I stated.

"How do you know?"

"I feel it in my gut," I said. He nodded with a 'we'll see' expression.

"Everything has been approved for your plan tonight, you sure you want to do this?" he asked giving me a chance to back out.

"Oh yeah, it's going to be a night to remember," I told him. My phone buzzed again and I mentally sighed.

"I'm not going to let go of this," he said.

"I'm not going to let you use me to get into Roman's head," I answered back.

"Unlike The Bloodline I'd never use you to get an advantage over someone, Briar please. Maybe I should have talked to you behind the scenes about how I felt and not taken you off guard in front of everyone but I just wanted you to know I'd never hurt. What else can I do, what else?"

In reading his words I could practically hear him begging as if he was standing in front of me. Roman and I always kept our relationship out of the picture from everyone but Bloodline members and Sami was never Bloodline so he didn't know.

"There isn't anything you can do, and you do know I'm seeing someone right?"

"I thought you seeing someone was just rumors."

"I've never confirmed or denied anything but I'm telling you right now I'm seeing someone so just do yourself a favor and back off this." I sent the message with as much aggression as I could tapping on the screen. It took longer but another response came through.

"I think your just saying that so I'll stop, Brair you don't have to lie to me if you just meet me and let me explain everything," he wrote. I was seeing a new kind of red.

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