Chapter 78

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Monday Night RAW 4/3/23

WrestleMania Aftermath

I felt like I was on cloud nine by the time we made it to the bus. In fact, I didn't even remember making the walk from the ring to the bus. I never imaged WrestleMania was going to end like this. Linda was a total basket case non stop crying the whole time and already giving me her wedding plan ideas. The rest of the family was chatting so loud about everything I really couldn't make out much of what anyone was saying. Even once back at the hotel I couldn't understand a word anyone was saying because I was in too much shock that Roman proposed to me and I said yes and I didn't even see it coming. It hadn't even been really a thought but I knew my answer would have never of been anything different.

I got ready for bed and sat in the middle of the bed staring down at the ring now placed on my finger, I was engaged to Roman Reigns. I thought about when I started on RAW two and a half years ago The Bloodline was quickly become the top and I was relieved I didn't get sent to SmackDown.

"Should I even ask what your thinking?" Roman said crawling onto the bed next to me and leaning over to kiss the top of my head.

"It's silly," I said feeling embarrassed.

"Now I want to know even more," he said sitting down around me and pulled me back against his chest. I looked down at his tattoo arm and ran my hand over a section of it.

"I was thinking about when I got the call that I was going to the main roaster and how relieved I was when I was told I was going to RAW not SmackDown," I told him.

"And why's that?"

"Because The Bloodline was starting to become a big deal and The Bloodline and Roman Reigns seemed very intimidating especially for someone just starting and had no idea what the hell they were doing," I explained. At first silence fell behind me then I felt Roman's chest moving and then laughter and I laughed too.

"I told you it was silly. I was just thinking about how I got from that moment to this one but it's fine because I'd take the entire journey again to just get to this moment," I said.

"Me too, Wildfire," he whispered into my ear. I turned my head up to look at him and his lips found mine.

The RAW after WrestleMania is always the most exciting to see. It usually comes with unpredictable moments, crazy crowd chants, and the landscape of the show is forever altered. I was nervous about what I was going to get as far as crowd chants, this was the night where anything could happen and it usually did.

"Briar, I know I've been saying this a lot but I don't know how you do this. This is the fourth night in a row of now stop craziness," Linda said as we pulled up to the arena.

"Well, it's just because it's WrestleMania weekend it isn't normally so insane day after day," I told her. Before we got off the bus, I slipped my engagement ring off and left it in the bedroom as of now we were trying to keep it private. Which was what I told Julia and Deb while they were getting me ready for the show and wanting to see the ring.

"I promise I'll show you at SmackDown," I told them.

"I'm holding you to that," Deb said.

"I keep my promises," I told her then felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Cindy.

"And I'll be making that wedding dress," she stated.

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