Chapter 28

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                                       The last Smackdown of 2022

In the days after Christmas everyone in The Bloodline got back to work. Roman and I would get up and go to the gym before the others would join us and we'd spend that time in the ring. I was nervous at first to learn the guillotine but as it turned out I wasn't too bad at it. However, trying to get Roman down even with my legs wrapped around him was practically impossible for me but he thought it was funny.

"Roman," I wined when I wrapped my legs around his waist and he wouldn't move as supporting my weight was easy for him. I let my arms go from around his head and he grabbed my hips holding me up instead of letting me go. My arms went around his neck. "This is important, you know," I told him.

"I know Wildfire and you have the move down; you just won't take me down with it," he stated.

"You think I can pull this off?" I asked.

"I know you can and you will, just don't hold back and don't second guess," he told me.

When we weren't all in the gym my time was spent working on promos, having phone meetings with creative, and drawing all these designs I had in my head. Wednesday night I worked on restocking the bus with clothes. It was nice to have the bus so close I could bring more stuff since I didn't always have to live out of a suitcase. Rick had taken the time to clean the whole bus so everything was in pristine condition. Lynda helped with the restock and I gave her a bus tour, which she enjoyed. She'd never been on a bus like this before. Rick even let her try driving it around the driveway, she got a kick out of it.

Solo and I sat out on the front porch watching the whole event. Which involved Lynda going and stopping every inch she moved. The twins and Roman were back in the house having a zoom meeting.

"Not something you see every day," I said.

"No, it's not," Solo answered as we watched the bus stop and move, stop and move.

"Ready to get back to work?" I asked him.

"Yes and no," he said.

"What's the no part?" I questioned.

"I like it here, it's nice and all of us are together."

"As if we aren't always together," I responded.

"You know what I mean," he retorted and I did. We now watched the bus come in reverse and then stop suddenly.

"You think they are fighting in there?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied.

By one pm Thursday afternoon we were loading into the bus. Lynda stood just outside the front door and said her good-byes to everyone, I went last with Roman in front of me and I couldn't help but hear the conversation.

"Please take care of her, I know she can be stubborn sometimes but her heart is always in the right place," Lynda whispered to Roman when she hugged him, I pretend I wasn't listening.

"I know and don't worry I promise she's in good hands," Roman said.

"I'll hold you to that, have a safe journey, good luck on your match tomorrow."

"Thanks, and thanks for having us, we'll see you again soon," Roman replied and waved good-bye to her. I stepped up next.

"Oh, my Briar," she wined throwing her arms around me.

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