Chapter 14

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Coming back to reality, I jotted down a few more things when we heard voices getting closer to the bus.

"Sounds like they are back," Paul said. I closed the notebook, setting my title on top of it, and went back to my phone. I kept my hood low over my forehead and my sunglasses on. I didn't know how to act. Part of me was pissed about the trainer thing and I wanted to yell at him for trying to keep it from me. Then part of me didn't want to make a big deal about it, if I did would everyone else think something was up between me and Roman. Maybe they already think somethings up since I slept in his room last night. Maybe they don't care since most of them have given me their opinions on the situation. Were we more than friends or is he just being the protective Tribal Chief? Was I overthinking, over analyzing everything? How did I really feel about him? So many questions I shook my head to pull myself out of my spiraling brain when I looked at Paul. He was full on staring at me with his mouth hung slightly open. Nicole looked at me concerned.

"What?" I asked. He nodded behind me and I turned. Jimmy, Jey, Solo, and Roman all standing there staring. "What?" I repeated.

"We've been trying to talk to you for like two minutes Little Uce," Jimmy said.

"Oh, sorry, just a lot going on up here," I said pointing to my head with my good hand. "Sometimes it's hard to pull myself back out," I explained while they all stared. I avoided looking at Roman, which I shouldn't have done but for some reason because of what I was thinking I couldn't help it. He noticed.

"We brought you food, Little Uce," Jey said coming over.

"Got you a sub and a salad," he said setting a bag on the table. Solo came over and set a blue Gatorade down in front of me.

"Thanks, I'm starving," I said.

"What's with the cover up?" Roman asked, I froze.

"Yeah, Little Uce why you hiding?" Jimmy questioned. I didn't say anything causing Roman to step over and pull out my chair and kneel in front of me.

"Briar," he said and I made a point to turn away. "Look at me," he insisted. I slowly turned my head in his direction. Jimmy, Solo, and Jey stood in a row right next to us watching on.

"Take that stuff off," he said. I paused for a few seconds before answering him.

"I.... I can't," I hesitated.

"Why not?" he was quick to ask.

"Because, I don't.... I don't particularly like how I look nor do I.... want you guys to have to look at me," I got the words out.

"Family goes through everything together, Little Uce," Jimmy said.

"Yeah, Uce we never care about what you look like," Jey added and I snapped my head in his direction.

"Thanks Jey that makes me feel so much better," I said.

"I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I just meant whatever you look like it won't bother us, we got your back all the way Uce," he said. I glanced down to my lap.

"I won't ask again, take that stuff off or I'll do it for you," Roman said and I felt the intensity in his voice. I reached up and pulled the hoodie down pulling my braid around over my shoulder. I sighed as I slowly reached up for my sunglasses, hesitating a second and pulled them off staring directly at Roman as I did so. By this point my left eye was ninety percent swollen shut. I was genuinely surprised that no one's expression changed. Roman reached grabbing my chin turning my face from side to side to look at my eye.

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